Items where Author is "Cickovska, Elena"

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Number of items: 34.

Cickovska, Elena (2022) CONTENT FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING FOR GEN Z STUDENTS OF TOURISM. Horizons International scientific journal Series A Social Sciences and Humanities, 31. pp. 263-276. ISSN 1857-9884

Cickovska, Elena (2022) INFLUENCE OF EDUCATORS’ PERCEPTION OF GEN Z STUDENTS IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Horizons International scientific journal Series A Social Sciences and Humanities, 31. pp. 53-64. ISSN 1857-9884

Angelevska - Najdeska, Katerina and Cickovska, Elena (2022) The market as a factor for valorization of the tourist resources - the case of Macedonia. In: Contemporary Issues in Economy & Technology – CIET 2022, 16-17.06.2022, Valencia, Spain.

Cickovska, Elena and Angelevska - Najdeska, Katerina and Naumov, Kliment (2022) INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCES OF THE TOURIST GUIDES HIRED BY TRAVEL AGENCIES IN OHRID. In: CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE EMAN 2017. Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, pp. 869-878. ISBN 978-86-80194-06-6

Cickovska, Elena (2022) SHIFT BACK TO ON-SITE TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION –STUDENTS’ PERSPECTIVE. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal, 53 (2). pp. 285-292. ISSN 2545-4439 (Online)

Cickovska, Elena (2020) UNDERSTANDING AND TEACHING GEN Z IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Horizons International scientific journal Series A Social Sciences and Humanities, 26. ISSN 1857-9884

Cickovska, Elena and Vejseli, Fatmire (2020) HIN ZUM MEHRSPRACHIGKEITSBASIERTEN DAFUNTERRICHT IN DER UNIVERSITÄREN FACHDIDAKTISCHEN AUSBILDUNG ANGEHENDER LEHRKRÄFTE. In: International Scientific Multilingual Conference „Multilingualism as a Challenge of a Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Communication", 19-20 September 2019, SEEU, Tetovo.

Cickovska, Elena (2018) Multilingual communication with German-speaking business partners. In: CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 2nd International Scientific Conference on Recent Advances in Information Technology, Tourism, Economics, Management and Agriculture – ITEMA. Association of Economists and Managers of the Balkans, Belgrade, pp. 952-958. ISBN 978-86-80194-13-4

Cickovska, Elena (2017) Berufs- und lernerorientierter Fremdsprachenanfängerunterricht für Wirtschaftsstudierende. Journal L´Association 1901 "SEPIKE", 18. pp. 20-25. ISSN 2196-9531:

Cickovska, Elena and Angelevska - Najdeska, Katerina and Naumov, Kliment (2017) INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCES OF THE TOURIST GUIDES HIRED BY TRAVEL AGENCIES IN OHRID. In: International Scientific Conference on Economics and Management EMAN.

Cickovska, Elena (2015) Unstimmigkeit zwischen Bedarf an Fremdsprachen auf dem Markt und dem Hochschulangebot in Europa und Mazedonien. Journal L´Association 1901 "SEPIKE" (11). pp. 6-14. ISSN 2196-9531

Cickovska, Elena (2015) THE IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION OF ENTREPRENEURS. In: Creative Education for Employment Growth / [The Fourth] International Conference Employment, Education and Enterpreneurship [EEE 2015], 14-16 October 2015, Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade, Serbia.

Baric, Karmelka and Breu, Aleksandra and Cickovska, Elena and et, al. (2013) Rahmencurriculum für Deutsch als Fremdsprache im studienbegleitenden Fremdsprachenunterricht an Universitäten in Republik Makedonien. Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Goethe Institut, Ohrid. ISBN 978-608-4676-14-0

Cickovska, Elena (2012) Research оf service sector needs for and in academic language learning. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 44. pp. 258-264. ISSN 1877-0428

Baric, Karmelka and Serena, Silvia and Cickovska, Elena (2012) DAF-LERNPLATTFORM FÜR BLENDED LEARNING MIT TOURISMUSSTUDENTEN. In: 1st International Conference FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND TOURISM, 04-05.May 2012, Opatija, Croatia.

Baric, Karmelka and Breu, Aleksandra and Cickovska, Elena and et, al. (2011) Rahmencurriculum für Deutsch als Fremdsprache im studienbegleitenden Fremdsprachenunterricht an Universitäten und Hochschulen in Bosnien-Herzegowina. Buybook, Sarajevo. ISBN 978-9958-30-104-9

Cickovska, Elena and Baric, Karmelka (2010) Aus der Praxis mit dem neuen SDU-Lehrwerk Mit Deutsch studieren arbeiten leben. IDV-Magazin, Beiträge der IDT 2009, Jena/Weimar, 2 (82). pp. 76-83. ISSN 1431-5181

Cickovska, Elena (2010) Mit Deutsch studieren arbeiten leben. Band 1 A2-B1. Arcipelago Edizioni, Milano. ISBN 978-88-7695-410-8

Cickovska, Elena (2009) Studienbegleitender Deutschunterricht an makedonischen Universitäten. In: Studienbegleitender Deutschunterricht in Europa: Rückblick und Ausblick. Versuch einer Standortbestimmung. Aracne, Roma, pp. 255-266. ISBN 978-88-548-2608-3

Cickovska, Elena (2007) Foreign languages rank within the list of areas important for tourism development / Позицијата на странските јазици во ранг-листата на другите области значајни за развојот на туризмот. IX International Conference "Strategic development of the tourism industry in the 21st century".

Moro, Spasenija and Baric, Karmelka and Breu, Aleksandra and Cickovska, Elena and et, al. (2007) Rahmencurriculum für Deutsch als Fremdsprache im studienbegleitenden Fremdsprachenunterricht an den Universitäten und Hochschulen in Kroatien. Prehrambeno-tehnoloski fakultet; Goethe-Institut Kroatien, Osijek. ISBN 978-953-7005-14-6

Cickovska, Elena (2005) Development of foreign languages command: Us and our attitude - contribution or obstacle / Развој на познавањето странски јазици: ние и нашиот став – придонес или пречка. Proceedings: VIII International Conference „Contemporary trends in tourism industry". pp. 803-810. ISSN 9989-800-59-6

Cickovska, Elena (2004) German business correspondence. Congress proceedings: 17th Bienal International Congress, Hotel and Hospitality industry - Trends in tourism and hospitality management, Opatija. pp. 959-966. ISSN 9789536198450

Cickovska, Elena (2004) Willkommen in Makedonien / Добредојдовте во Македонија. Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, Macedonia. ISBN 9989-9717-7-3

Cickovska, Elena (2003) Потребата од познавање странски јазици на туристичкиот пазар. In: International Symposium "Tourism in the Conditions of Globalization - Insurance in the Conditions of Globalization", 29-30 May 2003, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Cickovska, Elena (2003) Fremdsprachen-Anfängerunterricht für Tourismusstudenten durch selbstständiges Erschließen von Texten aus Tourismusinformationsmaterialien. In: 8. International conference - Tourism, regional development and education, 02.-04. April 2003, Tabor, Czech Republic.

Cickovska, Elena and Alagjozovski, Jovan (2003) Geschäftskorrespondenz auf Deutsch, Wirtschaft - Tourismus / Деловна кореспонденција на германски јазик, Стопанство - туризам. Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Ohrid, Macedonia. ISBN 9989-800-35-9

Cickovska, Elena (2003) The foreign language learning process and teaching / Процесите на изучување странски јазици и настава. Зборник на трудови - Proceedings. pp. 391-403.

Cickovska, Elena (2002) Positive transfer from English to the learning of German language /Позитивниот трансфер од англискиот врз изучувањето на германскиот јазик. Мultiplicative effects of tourism development - Set of scientific papers. pp. 271-278. ISSN 9989-871--08-X

Alagjozovski, Jovan and Cickovska, Elena (2001) Deutsche Sprache II / Германски јазик II. Faculty of tourism and hospitality, Ohrid, Macedonia. ISBN 9981-871-02-7

Cickovska, Elena (2001) Fremdsprachenbedarf am Tourismusmarkt. Conference proceedings: 6-th international conference - Tourism, regional development and education, Tabor Czech Republic.

Cickovska, Elena (2001) Veränderter Umgang mit Sprache durch digitale Kommunikation – Konsequenzen für den fachsprachlichen FU. In: International Conference "Region - Service - Tourism", Ostrava, Czech Republic.

Martinoska, Simona and Cickovska, Elena (2000) Restaurant product improvement. Congress proceedings: 15th International Congress Hotel 2000, Tourism and hospitality management: Trends and challenges for the future, Opatija, Croatia. pp. 524-531. ISSN 953-98-24-X

Cickovska, Elena (2000) Влијанието на познавањата од првиот странски јазик врз учењето на вториот странски јазик / The influence of the knowledge of the first foreign language on the learning of the second foreign language. Зборник на трудови (Proceedings), Faculty of tourism and hospitality, Ohrid, Macedonia. pp. 341-350. ISSN 9989-800-21-9

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