Items where Subject is "Electrical engineering, electronic engineering,information engineering"

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Acevski, Nikola and Achkoski, Risto (2002) Determining of galvanically separated grounding grids and grounding systems. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. ISSN 0885-8950

Acevski, Nikolche Assessment of the Safety Conditions from High Touch and Step Voltages in the Grounding Systems of the mines. In: ICEST 2008, 2008, Nis, Srbija.

Acevski, Nikolche and Ackovski, Risto (2002) Analysis of the Characteristics of Grounding Elements and Safety Criteria's of Towers of Overhead Lines Using Monte Carlo Simulation. In: ICEST 2002, 1-4 october 2002, Nis Srbija.

Acevski, Nikolche and Ackovski, Risto and Micalevski, Krste (2009) Practical analitical procedure for grounding grids design for HV/MV TS. In: ICEST 2009, JUNE 2009, Veliko Turnovo Bugarija.

Acevski, Nikolche and Micevska, Angela and Manivilovska, Ana Influence of Reduction Factors on High Voltage Cables on the Transfer on Potentials in the Network. I.

Acevski, Nikolche and Mijovski, Kire and Mijovski, Tomce (2012) Power Quality According to EN 50160. In: ICEST 2012, Veliko Turnovo Bugarija.

Acevski, Nikolche and Spirovski, Mile (2007) Calculation Model and Analyses of Grounding of the Fence on Medium Voltage Stations. In: ICEST 2007, 24-27 june, Ohrid, Macedonija.

Acevski, Nikolche and Spirovski, Mile and Atanasovski, Metodija and Stevanovski, Blagoja (2015) Analysis of the Grounding System of the Mines with Surface Exploitation. In: ICEST 2015, 24-26 June, Sofia Bugarija.

Acevski, Nikolche and Stojkoska, Elena Analysis of the Grounding Sustem of the Thermal Power Plant Oslomej. In: ICEST 2013, 26-29 June 2013, Ohrid.

Aleksov, V. and Savoska, Snezana and Trajkovik, V. (2019) Applications of pervasive computing and mobile services in health care. In: ISGT 2018 Conference, 16, 17 November 2018, Sofia.

Ali, Ilker and Ristevski, Blagoj and Jolevski, Ilija (2022) Pair Programming In Primary Education - A Macedonian Case Study. In: 12th International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies AIIT 2022, 14 October, 2022, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

Alves, L. and Rangel Henriques, P. and Ivančević, V. and Lalić, M. and Luković, I. and Varanda Pereira, M. and Correia Tavares, P. (2018) A Comparison of Introductory Programming Courses between Portugal and Serbia. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 88-93. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Anackovski, Filip and Kostov, Mitko and Pasic, Roberto and Kuzmanov, Ivo (2021) The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Education and Future Jobs. In: 56th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication ad Energy Systems and Tehnologies (ICEST), June 16-18, 2021, Sozopol, Bulgaria.

Andreeski, Cvetko and Petrevska, Biljana (2021) FORECASTING DYNAMIC TOURISM DEMAND USING ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS. Journal of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, 6 (2). pp. 79-89. ISSN 2545–4269

Andreeski, Cvetko (2016) Iterative Framework on Upgrading Lexicons for Sentiment Analysis. In: ETAI2016, 22-24 Sep 2016, Hotel Drim - Struga.

Andreeski, Cvetko and Mechkaroska, Daniela (2020) Modelling, Forecasting and Testing Decisions for Seasonal Time Series in Tourism. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 17 (10). pp. 149-171.

Antoska-Knights, Vesna and Gacovski, Zoran (2023) Methods for Detection and Prevention of Vulnerabilities in the IoT (Internet of Things) Systems. In: Internet of Things - New Insights. INTECH, London, pp. 1-17. ISBN 978-1-83768-988-0

Arapinoski, Blagoja and Radevska, Mirka and Atanasovski, Metodija and Kostov, Mitko (2019) Electric Field in the Environment of 110kV Power Line and its Impact on Biological Systems. In: International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, 27 - 29 June 2019, Ohrid, North Macedonia.

Asani, A. (2018) Security In Cloud-Based Systems. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 161-163. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Asani, Arijan and Dimovski, Tome and Hristoski, Ilija (2020) Distributed Retail Systems. In: International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies (AIIT).

Atanasovski, Metodija and Gacevski, Nikola and Veljanovski, Goran and Kostov, Mitko and Arapinoski, Blagoja and Kotevska, Viktorija (2023) Impact of Renewables on Frequency Regulation Reserves in Power System of North Macedonia. 2023 58th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST).

Atanasovski, Metodija and Kostov, Mitko and Veljanovski, Goran and Arapinoski, Blagoja (2023) Mixed Method for Transmission Loss Allocation. In: 2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, 25-29, June, 2023, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.

Atanasovski, Metodija and Arapinoski, Blagoja and Kostov, Mitko (2018) CALCULATION OF DISPERSED GENERATION SHARE IN POWER AND ENERGY BALANCE OF POWER SYSTEM. In: XI Conference of Electricity Distribution of Serbia with regional participation, 24-28 September, 2018, Kopaonik, Serbia.

Atanasovski, Metodija and Arapinoski, Blagoja and Kostov, Mitko and Trpezanovski, Ljupco (2019) Comparison of ACSR, AAAC and ACCC Conductors for Transmission Overhead Lines. In: International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, 27 - 29 June 2019, Ohrid, North Macedonia.

Atanasovski, Metodija and Borozan, Vesna (2008) Marginal Loss Coefficients and Nodal Factors for Loss Allocation in Distribution Systems with DG. In: XLIII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND ENERGY SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, 25-27 June, Nis, Republic of Serbia.

Atanasovski, Metodija and Kostov, Mitko (2017) Correlation Between Power System Load and Air Temperature in Republic of Macedonia. In: 10th Conference of the Macedonian National Committee in CIGRE – МАКО CIGRE 2017, 25-27 September 2017, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Atanasovski, Metodija and Kostov, Mitko and Acevski, Nikola and Arapinoski, Blagoja and Kotevska, Elena (2016) Transient Stability of Asynchronous Generator on Distribution Network. In: LI INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND ENERGY SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, 28-30 June, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.

Atanasovski, Metodija and Kostov, Mitko and Arapinoski, Blagoja and Andreevski, Igor (2018) Correlation between Power System Load and Air Temperature in Republic of Macedonia. In: 53rd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND ENERGY SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, 28-30 June, Sozopol, Bulgaria.

Atanasovski, Metodija and Kostov, Mitko and Arapinoski, Blagoja and Spirovski, Mile Integration of New RES in Power System of North Macedonia. In: ICEST 2021 (Sozopol, Bulgaria), June, Sozopol.

Atanasovski, Metodija and Kostov, Mitko and Arapinoski, Blagoja and Spirovski, Mile (2021) Integration of New RES in Power System of North Macedonia. In: ICEST 2021, Sozopol, Bulgaria.

Atanasovski, Metodija and Kostov, Mitko and Arapinoski, Blagoja and Spirovski, Mile (2020) K-Nearest Neighbor Regression for Forecasting Electricity Demand. In: 2020 55th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST), September, 10-12, 2020, Niš, Serbia, Serbia.

Atanasovski, Metodija and Kostov, Mitko and Veljanovski, Goran and Popovski, Pande (2022) Short-Term Load Forecast in Power Systems: A Comparison of Different Practical Algorithms. In: 18th European Energy Market Conference, 13-15 September 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Atanasovski, Metodija and Mijoski, Tomce and Kostov, Mitko and Arapinoski, Blagoja (2022) Real Case Study of Loss Allocation in Distribution Systems with RES. 2022 57th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST).

Atanasovski, Metodija and Taleski, Rubin (2012) Energy Summation Method for Loss Allocation in Radial Distribution Networks With DG. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 27 (3). pp. 1433-1440. ISSN 0885-8950

Atanasovski, Metodija and Taleski, Rubin (2011) Power Summation Method for Loss Allocation in Radial Distribution Networks With DG. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 26 (4). pp. 2491-2499. ISSN 0885-8950

Atanasovski, Metodija and Taleski, Rubin (2010) Power summation method for loss allocation in radial distribution networks with dispersed generation. In: 7th Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Energy Conversion (MedPower 2010), 7-10 Nov. 2010, Agia Napa, Cyprus.

Atanasovski, Metodija and Trpezanovski, Ljupco and Stevanovski, Blagoja and Acevski, Nikola (2015) Overcurrent Protection Analysis of Distribution Networks with Dispersed Generation. In: papers L INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND ENERGY SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, 24-26 June, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Aziri, Zejnelabedin and Hristovska, Elizabeta and Angelevski, Zore and Kuzmanov, Ivo and Pasic, Roberto and Jovanovska, Vangelica (2021) The verification of a redesigned part of a telescopic hydraulic cylinder based on finite element analysis. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), 18 (1). pp. 31-41. ISSN 2278-1684


Bajraktarov, Lj. and Rendevski, Nikola and Kotevski, Zoran and Hristoski, Ilija and Markoska, Ramona (2018) Design of LoRa Service Infrastructure Solution for D2D Communication over Physical 433 MHz Wireless Link. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 151-153. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Bajrami, Buen and Kotevski, Zoran and Veljanovska, Kostandina (2023) Content Based Image Retrieval: Contemporary Trends and Challenges. In: International conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies - AIIT2023, 13th October 2023, Bitola, North Macedonia.

Bajrami, Buen and Veljanovska, Kostandina and Kotevski, Zoran (2023) Future Challenges for Object Detection and Image Recognition Techniques. In: International conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies - AIIT2023, 13th October 2023, Bitola, North Macedonia.

Beyene, Solomon Shiferaw and Ling, Tianyi and Ristevski, Blagoj and Chen, Ming (2020) A novel riboswitch classification based on imbalanced sequences achieved by machine learning. PLoS Computational Biology, 16 (7).

Bilbiloska, Katerina and Veljanovski, Goran and Krkoleva Mateska, Aleksandra and Krstevski, Petar and Atanasovski, Metodija (2024) Analyses of the effects of customer flexibility on the distribution grid. Electric Power Systems Research, 236. p. 110887. ISSN 03787796

Blazheska-Tabakovska, Natasha and Ivanović, Mirjana and Klašnja-Milićević, Aleksandra and Ivković, Jovana (2017) Comparison of E-Learning Personalization Systems: Protus and PLeMSys. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 12 (01). pp. 57-70. ISSN 1863-0383

Blazheska-Tabakovska, Natasha and Ristevski, Blagoj and Savoska, Snezana and Bocevska, Andrijana (2019) Learning Management Systems as Platforms for Increasing the Digital and Health Literacy. In: The 3rd International Conference on E-Education, E-Business and E-Technology (ICEBT 2019), 02.08-04.08.2019, Madrid, Spain.

Blazheska-Tabakovska, Natasha and Savoska, Snezana (2015) Key aspects of the implementation of ERP systems in Macedonia. In: ICT Innovations 2015, 1-4 Octomber 2015, Ohrid.

Blazheska-Tabakovska, Natasha and Savoska, Snezana and Ristevski, Blagoj and Jolevski, Ilija and Gruevski, Dragan (2019) Web Content Accessibility for People with Cognitive Disabilities. In: IX International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies AIIT 2019, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

Bocevska, Andrijana and Kotevski, Zoran and Rendevski, N. and Ristevski, Blagoj (2019) Marker-Based Mobile Augmented Reality for Application of Visualization in Product Packaging. In: IX International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies AIIT 2019, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

Bocevska, Andrijana and Savoska, Snezana and Ristevski, Blagoj and Blazheska-Tabakovska, Natasha (2018) Analysis of Accessibility of the e-Learning Platforms According to the WCAG 2.0 Standard Compliance. In: International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies, 2018, Nevember 5 2018, Bitola R. Macedonia.

Bocevska, Andrijana and Savoska, Snezana and Ristevski, Blagoj and Blazheska-Tabakovska, Natasha and Nedelkovski, Igor (2018) A Comparison of Accessible e-Learning Projects for Improving of Digital Health Literacy. In: The 12th Information Systems and Grid Technologies (ISGT2018) Conference, 16-17 November, 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Bogdanoska Jovanovska, Mimoza and Petrevska Nechkoska, Renata and Mehmedali, Arif MODEL FOR CADASTER OF HOUSING FACILITIES AS G2G SOLUTION FOR BETTER E-GOVERNMENT. Conference: 5th International Scientific-Business Conference on Leadership, Innovation, Management and Economics At: Graz, Austria.

Bogdanoska Jovanovska, Mimoza and Ristevski, Blagoj and Manevska, Violeta (2014) Social Network Analysis as a Suitable Tool for Business Process Reengineering. In: 6th ICT Innovation Conference 2014, September, 2014, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.

Bogdanova, Sofija and Kostov, Mitko and Bogdanov, Momcilo (1999) Design of QMF Banks with Reduced Number of Iterations. In: IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Application and Technology, ICSPAT, 1999, Orlando, USA.

Bogdanova, Sofija and Kostov, Mitko and Bogdanov, Momcilo (1999) Modified version of Chen and Lee's algorithm for the design of QMF banks. In: European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD), 1999, Stresa, Italy.

Bogoeska, I. (2018) Model of architecture for cooperation and exchange data between Higher Education Institutions and Public Institutions in Republic of Macedonia through Web services technology. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 83-87. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4 (Submitted)

Brodić, Darko and Amelio, Alessia and Draganov, Ivo (2017) Statistical Analysis of Dice CAPTCHA Usability. In: 52nd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND ENERGY SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ICEST 2017), June 28-30, 2017, Nis, Serbia.

Brodić, Darko and Draganov, Ivo R. and Milivojević, Dragan R. and Tasić, Viša (2013) Estimation of the Global and Local Text Skew in the Old Printed Documents. In: 48th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2013), June 26-29, 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Brodić, Darko and Draganov, Ivo R. and Milivojević, Zoran N. (2016) Statistical Analysis of Text Encryption Software. In: 51st International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2016), June 28-30, 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Brodić, Darko and Jevtić, Milena and Radosavljević, Jordan and Draganov, Ivo R. (2016) Tablet Computers and Extremely Low-Frequency Magnetic Field Emission. In: 51st International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2016), June 28-30, 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Brodić, Darko and Milivojević, Zoran N. and Draganov, Ivo R. and Tasić, Viša (2015) Comparison of Different Methods for the Estimation of Text Skew. In: 50th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2015), June 24-26, 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria.


Cassioli, D. and Rendevski, N. (2015) Modulation and detection strategies for 60 GHz UWB high-data rate wireless indoor communications. In: 2015 12th International Conference on Telecommunication in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS), Nis, Serbia.

Cassioli, D. and Rendevski, N. (2014) A statistical model for the shadowing induced by human bodies in the proximity of a mmWaves radio link. In: 2014 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC), 10-14 June 2014, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Ceselkoska, Vesna and Kostov, Mitko (2010) Problems Collection in Electrical engineering I. Faculty of Technical Sciences, Bitola.

Ceselkoska, Vesna and Kostov, Mitko and Arapinoski, Blagoja Problems Collection in Electrical engineering II. Faculty of Technical Sciences, Bitola.

Chouvarda, I. (2018) Connected Health Technologies for the Support of Chronic Patients: Challenges and Opportunities. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, I. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Chungurski, Slavcho and Mitrevski, Pece (2020) ICT AND LOCAL E-GOVERNANCE IN PLANNING REGIONS IN NORTH MACEDONIA. UTMS Journal of Economics, 11 (1). pp. 29-42.

Clarke, Richard and Kolemisevska-Gugulovska, Tatjana and Georgi M., Dimirovski and Gjiknuri, Leke and Grupce, Ljupco and Andreeski, Cvetko (2000) Conservation and conflict resolution in transboundary protected areas: prespa as an european case-study. In: Conservation and conflict resolution in transboundary protected areas: prespa as an european case-study Author links open overlay panelRichard Clarke 1*, Tatjana D. Kolemisevska-Gugulovska 2, Georgi M. Dimirovski 2 **, Leke Gjiknuri 3, Ljupco Grupce 4, C.


Dimeska, K. and Savoska, Snezana (2018) Model of software development using RAD methods and standard ISO/IEC 12207. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 48-51. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Dimeska, K. and Savoska, Snezana (2017) Model of Information System for Company Management According to Software Engineering Standards ISO/IEC 12207:2013. In: ISGT 2017, 29 September 2017, Sofia.

Dimitrievski, A. and Zdravevski, E. and Lameski, P. and Goleva, R. and Koceski, S. and Trajkovik, V. (2018) Fog Computing for Personal Health Principles. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 109-114. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Dimitrievski, Ace and Savoska, Snezana and Chorbev, Ivan and Ristevski, Blagoj and Trajkovik, Vladimir (2019) Data Processing within Ambient Assisted Living System. In: IX International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies AIIT 2019, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

Dimova Popovska, Hristina and Dimovski, Tome and Hristoski, Ilija (2021) A Model for Integration of Internet of Things Systems in a Smart City. International Conference on Applied Information and Internet Technologies, 11.

Dimova Popovska, Hristina and Popovski, Filip (2023) Conceptual and integrated smart tourism model. In: The 20th International Conference on Informatics and Information Technologies ­ CIIT 2023, Krusevo.

Dimovski, Tome and Hristoski, Ilija ПРАКТИКУМ ПО МРЕЖНИ СЕРВИСИ. [Teaching Resource]

Dinić, U. and Nikolić, V. and Kostić Zobenica, A. and Markoski, B. and Premcevski, V. (2018) Virtualization in e-Government. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 60-63. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Dobrilović, D. and Malić, M. and Malić, D. and Šinik, V. (2018) Methodology for Bluetooth Low Energy Performance Analyses Based on Open-source Hardware. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 115-119. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Draganov, Ivo and Minchev, Krasimir (2019) Algorithm Selection for Automated Audio Classification based on Content. In: 54th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2019), June 27-29, 2019, Ohrid, North Macedonia.

Draganov, Ivo R. (2012) Directional Transforms Applicability in Image Coding. In: "International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST" (28-30 June 2012) hosted in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 28-30 June 2012, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.

Draganov, Ivo R. (2010) Normal Point Density Input Influence over a Finite One-Dimensional SOM. In: International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST, 23-26 June 2010, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Draganov, Ivo R. and Brodić, Darko (2016) Some Finger Vein Databases Evaluation. In: 51st International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2016), June 28-30, 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Draganov, Ivo R. and Dinev, Pavel and Boumbarov, Ognian and Brodić, Darko (2017) Medical Condition Assessment of Patients with Disabilities Based on Daily Activity Analysis. In: 52nd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND ENERGY SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ICEST 2017), June 28-30, 2017, Nis, Serbia.

Draganov, Ivo R. and Kountchev, Roumen K. (2008) Document Decomposition Based on Recursive Radon Transform. In: "International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST" (25-27 June 2008) hosted in Niš, Serbia, 25-27 June 2008, Niš, Serbia.

Draganov, Ivo R. and Kountchev, Roumen K. (2009) Document Protection Based on CHT Coefficients’ Phase Modulation. In: "International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST" (25-27 June 2009) hosted in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 25-27 June 2009, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.

Draganov, Ivo R. and Neshov, Nikolay N. and Brodić, Darko (2015) Testing Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Headset Applicability to Medical Assistive Systems. In: 50th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2015), June 24-26, 2015, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Draganov, Ivo R. and Popova, Antoaneta A. (2007) Comparative Analysis of Basic Self-Organizing Map and Neocognitron for Handwritten Character Recognition. In: "International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST" (24-27 June 2007) hosted in Ohrid, Macedonia, 2007, 24-27 June 2007, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Draganov, Ivo R. and Popova, Antoaneta A. (2006) Rotation Angle Estimation of Scanned Handwritten Cursive Text Documents. In: "International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST" (29 June - 1 July 2006), hosted in Sofia, Bulgaria, 29 June 2006 - 1 July 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Dragicevic, M. and Krneta, D. (2018) Business Intelligence in Power Distribution System. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 22-25. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4


Emini, Naile and Veljanovski, Konstantin and Rendevski, Nikola (2023) VR as a tool for EVs maintenance training. In: 13th International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies AIIT2023, October 13th, Bitola, Rebublic North Macedonia.


Gavrilov, G. and Jakimovski, B. and Chorbev, I. and Trajkovik, V. (2018) Cloud-Based Electronic Health Record for Health Data Exchange. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies-Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 11-16. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Georgiev, Georgi and Titova, Tanya and Kosturkov, Rosen and Sikora, Axel and Janevska, Gordana and Kostov, Mitko and Halunga, Simona and Fratu, Octavian (2022) Education for Resource Efficiency in Manufacturing Industries EREMI. 2022 57th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST).

Groom, Quentin and Dillen, Mathias and Addink, Wouter and H. H. Ariño, Arturo and Bölling, Christian and Bonnet, Pierre and Cecchi, Lorenzo and R. Ellwood, Elizabeth and Figueira, Rui and Gagnier, Pierre-Yves and M Grace, Olwen and Güntsch, Anton and Hardy, Helen and Huybrechts, Pieter and Hyam, Roger and A. J. Joly, Alexis and Krishna Kommineni, Vamsi and Larridon, Isabel and Livermore, Laurence and Jorge Lopes, Ricardo and Meeus, Sofie and A. Miller, Jeremy and Milleville, Kenzo and Panda, Renato and Pignal, Marc and Poelen, Jorrit and Ristevski, Blagoj and et,, al. (2023) Envisaging a global infrastructure to exploit the potential of digitised collections. Biodiversity Data Journal. ISSN 1314-2836


Hasanu, Mihajlo and Ambaroska, Hristina and Ristevski, Blagoj (2016) Fully Automatic MRI Brain Tumor Segmentation. In: 6th International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies AIIT 2016, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.

Hristoski, Ilija and Dimovski, Tome and Kotevski, Zoran and Markoska, Ramona and Rendevski, Nikola (2018) Performance Evaluation of Clustered Web Servers Using the Round Robin Scheme. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 42-47. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Hristoski, Ilija and Koltovska Nechoska, Daniela and Dimovski, Tome (2020) Parallel Processing of HTTP Requests in E-Commerce: A Modeling Framework. In: New Technologies, Development and Application III. Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, pp. 491-498.

Hristoski, Ilija and Tome Dimovski, St Kliment Ohridski University –Bitola (2022) Petri Net-Based Model of Master/Slave Dataset Replication in Big Data. In: New Technologies, Development and Application V. Springer International Publishing/Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Springer International Publishing/Springer Nature Switzerland AG, pp. 505-512. ISBN 978-3-031-05230-9


Idrizi, E. and Kulakov, A. and Filiposka, S. and Trajkovik, V. (2018) Web-based assessment tool for Teachers Digital Competency. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 32-36. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Igor, Nedelkovski (2020) Virtual Platform for SMART Decisions in Urban Planning. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD), 16 (11). pp. 58-63. ISSN 2278-067X

Ilija Hristoski, St Kliment Ohridski University –Bitola and Tome Dimovski, St Kliment Ohridski University –Bitola (2021) Petri Net-Based Model of Peer-to-Peer Dataset Replication in Big Data. 3rd Virtual International Conference Path to a Knowledge Society-Managing Risks and Innovation PaKSoM 2021, 1 (3). pp. 191-198. ISSN 978-86-80593-72-2

Iordanov, Velin and Draganov, Ivo (2018) C# Implementation of Split and Merge Algorithm for Image Segmentation. In: 53rd International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2018), June 28-30, 2018, Sozopol, Bulgaria.

Iordanov, Velin and Draganov, Ivo (2019) Local-adaptive Enhancement of Details in Thermal Images. In: 54th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST 2019), June 27-29, 2019, Ohrid, North Macedonia.


Janevska, Gordana (2017) Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development - Impacts on the Path to Decarbonsation of Energy Sector. In: 3rd Virtual International Conference on Science, Technology and Management in Energy eNergetics 2017, October 22-23, 2017, Niš, Serbia.

Janevska, Gordana and Kostov, Mitko (2018) Possibilities for Open Source Software in Mechatronic Systems Design. In: 53 rd INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND ENERGY SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES (ICEST 2018), June 28-30, 2018, Sozopol, Bulgaria.

Janevska, Gordana and Kostov, Mitko and Stojanovski, Goran (2019) Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Hybrid Electric Vehicle. In: International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, 27 - 29 June 2019, Ohrid, North Macedonia.

Jotanovic, G. and Brtka, V. and Curguz, Z. and Stojcic, M. and Eremija, M. (2018) Mobile Applications for Recording Road Traffic Noise. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 94-98. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

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Pajkovski, Darko and Rendevski, Nikola and Kotevski, Zoran and Dimovski, Tome (2018) Classification of Jamming Attacks and Detection and Prevention Techniques in Local Wireless Networks. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 154-160. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Pajkovski, Darko and Rendevski, Nikola and Kotevski, Zoran and Dimovski, Tome (2018) Classification of Jamming Attacks and Detection and Prevention Techniques in Local Wireless Networks. In: International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies, 2018, October 5 2018, Bitola R. Macedonia.

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Ristevski, Blagoj and Chen, Ming (2018) Big Data Analytics in Medicine and Healthcare. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 15 (3). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1613-4516

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Ristevski, Blagoj and Loskovska, Suzana (2007) Validation Indices and Quality Estimation of the Clustering Results of DNA Microarrays Data. In: VIII National Conference with International participation ETAI 2007, September, 2007, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.

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Ristevski, Blagoj and Manevska, Violeta (2013) Cryptography Based on Finite Automata – a Brief Overview. In: 3th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technology and Statistics in Economy and Education, ICAICTSEE 2013, 6-7 December, 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Ristevski, Blagoj and Manevska, Violeta and Rendevski, N. and Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Elena (2008) Phisycal World Cognition and Dimensionality Computation of Robot's Rigid Group in Unknown Environment. Proceedings of Papers of Faculty of Administration and Information Systems Management - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, 2008.

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Ristevski, Blagoj and Savoska, Snezana (2019) Analysis and Simulation of Biological Complex Networks. In: IX International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies AIIT 2019, 3-4 October, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

Ristevski, Blagoj and Savoska, Snezana (2021) Healthcare and medical Big Data analytics. In: Applications of Big Data in Healthcare Theory and Practice. Academic Press, United Kingdom, pp. 85-112. ISBN 978-0-12-820203-6

Ristevski, Blagoj and Savoska, Snezana and Blazheska-Tabakovska, Natasha (2020) Opportunities for Big Data Analytics in Healthcare Information Systems Development for Decision Support. In: The 13-th conference on Information Systems and Grid Technologies ISGT 2020, May, 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Ristevski, Blagoj and Savoska, Snezana and Mitrevski, Pece (2019) Complex Network Analysis and Big Omics Data. In: 11th ICT Innovations Conference 2019.

Ristevski, Blagoj and Savoska, Snezana and Savoski, Zlatko (2022) Using Graph Databases for Portraying and Analysing Biological and Biomedical Networks. In: 2022 8th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT) 2022, 17-20 May 2022, Istanbul, Turkey.

Ristevski, Blagoj and Stevanovska, Monika and Kostovski, Borche (2017) Hadoop as a Platform for Big Data Analytics in Healthcare and Medicine. In: 7th International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies ICAIIT 2017, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

Roshkoski, Trajche and Savoska, Snezana and Ristevski, Blagoj and Dimovski, Tome (2017) Hash functions and their application in digital signatures and digital forensics. In: 14th International Conference for Informatics and Information Technology CIIT 2017, 07-09 April, Mavrovo, Macedonia.


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Savoska, Snezana and Milevski, D. and Bocevska, Andrijana (2018) Visualization of Big Digital Data with Zeppelin. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 37-41. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Savoska, Snezana and Ristevski, Blagoj and Trajkovik, Vladimir (2023) Personal Health Record Data-Driven Integration of Heterogeneous Data. In: Data-Driven Approach for Bio-medical and Healthcare. Springer, Singapore, pp. 1-21.

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Slavkovska, Daniela and Petreska, Anita and Ristevski, Blagoj and Nikolovski, Saso and Rendevski, Nikola (2024) Using Machine Learning Algorithms of Stroke Prediction. In: 14th International conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies (AIIT2024), 8 November, 2024, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

Slavkovska, Daniela and Ristevski, Blagoj and Petreska, Anita (2023) Comparative Analysis of ML Algorithms for Breast Cancer Detection. In: 13th International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies AIIT2023, October 13th, Bitola, Rebublic North Macedonia.

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Tanaskoska, Lenche and Stamenkovska, Andrea and Savoska, Snezana and Jolevski, Ilija and Blazheska-Tabakovska, Natasha and Ristevski, Blagoj (2019) Optimizing Bluetooth Communication between Medical Devices and Android. In: IX International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies AIIT 2019, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

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Trajkovska, Aneta and Dimovski, Tome and Markoska, Ramona and Kotevski, Zoran (2023) Automation and Monitoring on Integration ETL Processes while Distributing Data. In: International conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies - AIIT2023, 13th October 2023, Bitola, North Macedonia.

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Vasiljević, M. and Vasiljević, P. and Markoski, B. and Kupusinac, A. (2018) Challenges in Mushroom Classification Using Image Recognition Technology. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 120-123. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Veljanovska, K. and Stojkovska, K. (2018) Fundamental aspects of creating a predictive model - GIS in archeology. “St Kliment Ohridski” University - Bitola, Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies - Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 164-167. ISBN 978-9989-870-80-4

Veljanovska, Kostandina (2020) Information Architecture Analysis for User Interface Design (Case Study: e-learning Platform for Users with Disability). International Journal of Science and Engineering Investigations, 9 (106). pp. 23-28. ISSN 2251-8843

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Veljanovski, Darko and Jovanovska, Vangelica (2018) MAINTENANCE OF TECHNICAL SYSTEMS IN THE FUNCTION OF SAFETY AT WORK. trans&motauto'18, 3 (3). pp. 338-342. ISSN ISSN 1313-5031 (Print), ISSN 2535-0307(Online)

Veljanovski, Goran and Atanasovski, Metodija and Krkoleva Mateska, Aleksandra and Sabotkovska, Simona and Bilbiloska, Katerina and Petreska, Hristina Analysis on the Optimum Tilt and Azimuth Angles for Fixed-Tilt PV Systems. 2023 58th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST).

Veljanovski, Goran and Popovski, Pande and Atanasovski, Metodija and Bilbiloska, Katerina and Mateska, Aleksandra Krkoleva (2024) Impact of Load Flexibility on Photovoltaic Hosting Capacity in Distribution Networks. In: 2024 20th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Istanbul, Turkiye.

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Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Elena and Rendevski, Nikola and Manevska, Violeta and Ristevski, Blagoj (2008) Robot’s Motivations for Learning and Self-Development. In: 1th International Multiconference Information Society IS 2008, October, 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

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