Items where Division is "Faculty of Technical Sciences" and Year is 2022

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Number of items: 41.


Atanasovski, Metodija and Kostov, Mitko and Veljanovski, Goran and Popovski, Pande (2022) Short-Term Load Forecast in Power Systems: A Comparison of Different Practical Algorithms. In: 18th European Energy Market Conference, 13-15 September 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Atanasovski, Metodija and Mijoski, Tomce and Kostov, Mitko and Arapinoski, Blagoja (2022) Real Case Study of Loss Allocation in Distribution Systems with RES. 2022 57th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST).

Aziri, Zejnelabedin and Hristovska, Elizabeta (2022) Redesigning the base eye of telescopic hydraulic cylinder with topology optimization method. Journal of Engineering Management & Applied Sciences & Technologies, 13 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN ISSN 2228-9860e ISSN 1906-9642

Aziri, Zejnelabedin and Hristovska, Elizabeta and Aziri, Umnie (2022) Shape optimization with composite sketching in redesign process. SEEJSD (South East European Journal of Sustainable Development), 6 (1). pp. 12-17. ISSN ISSN (print) 2545-4463, ISSN (online) 2545-4471


Chalamani, Sonja and Seweryn-Kuzmanovska, Marzanna and Kotevska, Elena (2022) Some Conditions on Total Boundness (3, 2, ρ)-Symmetric Spaces. 2022 57th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST). ISSN 78-1-6654-8500-5


Dimovski, Blagoj and Dimitrieska, Cvete and Calamani, Sonja and Mijakovski, Vladimir (2022) Variants for Calculating the Annual Thermal Energy Consumption for Buildings. The 20th International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineerring of Serbia - SIMTERM 2022, Nis, Serbia, 18-21.10.2022.

Dimovski, Blagoj and Dimitrieska, Cvete and Calamani, Sonja and Mijakovski, Vladimir (2022) Variants for Calculating the Annual Thermal Energy Consumption for Buildings. SimTerm2022 PROCEEDINGS. ISSN 978-86-6055-163-6

Dimovski, Blagoj and Dimitrieska, Cvete and Stavreva, Sevde and Mijakovski, Vladimir (2022) Exergy analysis for thermoenergetic blocks adaptation with a combined gas cycle. 20th International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia, SimTerm 2022, Niš, Serbia. pp. 267-273.

Dimovski, Blagoj and Stavreva, Sevde and Dimitrieska, Cvete and Andreevski, Igor (2022) Proposed Solution for Adaptation of the Block in TPP Bitola using Gas Turbine Combined Cycle. TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics, 11 (1). pp. 164-168. ISSN 2217-8309


Georgiev, Georgi and Titova, Tanya and Kosturkov, Rosen and Sikora, Axel and Janevska, Gordana and Kostov, Mitko and Halunga, Simona and Fratu, Octavian (2022) Education for Resource Efficiency in Manufacturing Industries EREMI. 2022 57th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST).


Koltovska Nechoska, Daniela and Pasic, Roberto and Šimić, Robert and Ivanjko, Edouard (2022) Proposal for Fuzzy based Adaptive Traffic Signal Control for Reducing Vehicle Emissions. In: Third International Conference “Transport for Today’s Society “, UKLO Bitola.

Koltovska Nechoska, Daniela and Petrevska Nechkoska, Renata and Duma, Renata (2022) Application of Artificial Intelligence for Traffic Data Analysis, Simulations and Adaptation. 2022 57th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST).

Korlevska, Martina and Atanasovski, Metodija and Kostov, Mitko and Trpezanovski, Ljupco (2022) Impact of PV Type Dispersed Generation on Harmonic Distortion on Distribution Networks. 2022 57th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST).


Lutovska, Monika and Mijakovski, Vladimir (2022) Occupation Safety and Health Statistics in a course of Sustainable Agenda. In: The 19th International Conference “Man and Working Environment”, OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT, November 24-25, 2022, Nis, Republic of Serbia.

Lutovska, Monika and Mijakovski, Vladimir and Rendevski, Nikola (2022) Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in North Macedonia over the last Three Decades. In: 20th International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia (SimTerm 2022), October 18-21, 2022, Nis, Republic of Serbia.


Marija, Stojanoska and Vaska, Atanasova (2022) „EXAMPLE FOR APPLICATION OF THE PTV VISION VISUM SOFTWARE TOOL FOR THE CALCULATION OF NOISE AND EMISSIONS FROM MOTOR TRAFFIC”. Journal of Road and Traffic Engineering, 68 (4). pp. 27-31. ISSN 0478-9733

Metodija, Atanasovski and Mitko, Kostov and Goran, Veljanovski and Pande, Popovski (2022) Short-Term Load Forecast in Power Systems: A Comparison of Different Practical Algorithms. In: 2022 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 13-15.09.2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Mijakovska, Svetlana and Popovski, Filip and Pasic, Roberto and Kuzmanov, Ivo (2022) Comparison of algorithms for elimination the outliers in 3D modelling from video. ICEST 2022.

Mijakovski, Vladimir and Lutovska, Monika and Mojsovski, Filip (2022) Energy transition in North Macedonia in the wake of the European Energy Crisis. In: 20th International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia (SimTerm 2022), October 18-21, 2022, Nis, Republic of Serbia.


Mitrevski, Vangelce and Dedinac, Aleksandar and Mitrevska, Cvetanka (2022) ESTIMATION OF THERMOPHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF FAR INFRARED VACUUM DRYING POTATO BY APPLICATION OF INVERSE APPROACH. Thermal Science, 25 (1B). pp. 603-611. ISSN 0354-9836

Mojsovski, Filip and Mijakovski, Vladimir (2022) Apple Drying in Convective Belt Dryer. In: 20th International Conference on Thermal Science and Engineering of Serbia (SimTerm 2022), October 18-21, 2022, Nis, Republic of Serbia.


Nasufi, Hadisa and Lutovska, Monika and Mijakovski, Vladimir (2022) Knowledge Assessment of Waste Management Workers in Debar Regarding Occupational Safety and Health. In: XII International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection 2022 (IIZS 2022), October 06-07, 2022, Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia.


Popovska Nalevska, Gorica and Popovski, Filip and Dimova, Hristina (2022) Functionality of the family system within families with disabled children. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 11 (12). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2243-7703 / 2243-7711

Popovska Nalevska, Gorica and Popovski, Filip and Dimova Popovska, Hristina (2022) Higher education for students with disabilities in the Republic of Macedonia: Challenges and perspectives. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 11 (13). pp. 85-100. ISSN 2243-7703 / 2243-7711

Popovska Nalevska, Gorica and Popovski, Filip and Dimova Popovska, Hristina (2022) The influence of mass media in creating identification models in adolescents. International Journal of Research Studies in Education (IJRSE), 11 (6). pp. 49-57. ISSN 2243-7703

Popovska-Vasilevska, Sanja and Stavreva, Sevde (2022) „Geothermal Energy Use, Country Update for North Macedonia“. Summary of EGC2022 country update reports.

Popovski, Kire and Stavreva, Sevde and Kuzmanov, Ivo and Popovski, Igor (2022) Mathematical model for computer simulation for selection of the order for the layers from the wall of industrial coolers. South Florida Journal of Development, Miami, 3 (3). pp. 3681-3688. ISSN 2675-5459

Popovski, Kire and Stavreva, Sevde and Kuzmanov, Ivo and Popovski, Igor (2022) Mathematical model for computer simulation for selection of the order for the layers from the wall of industrial coolers. South Florida Journal of Development, Miami, 3 (3). pp. 3681-3688. ISSN 2675-5459

Popovski, Pande and Veljanovski, Goran and Kostov, Mitko and Atanasovski, Metodija (2022) Optimizing Short Term Load Forecast: A study on Machine Learning Model Accuracy and Predictor Selection. 2022 57th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST).


Rika, Safet and Hristovska, Elizabeta (2022) Assessment of the reliability of the printing offset rubber blanket until the time of cancellation with application of the laboratory test Sudden Death Test. International journal TEMEL (Technology Engineering Management Entrepreneurship Learning), 6 (1). pp. 13-20. ISSN ISSN 2545-4390


Sovreski, Zlatko and Hristovska, Elizabeta (2022) Influence of oil aditives on friction and mechanical losses in internal combustion engines. In: Medzunarodno savetovanje “Odrzhivi razvoj Branichevok okruga i energetskog kompleksa Kostolac”, 26. maj 2022, Pozarevac, Srbija.

Stavreva, Sevde and Hristovska, Elizabeta and Andreevski, Igor and Popovska-Vasilevska, Sanja (2022) Impact of Covid-19 on heating, ventilation and air-conditions systems. TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics, 11 (4). pp. 1563-1568. ISSN 2217-8309

Stavreva, Sevde and Hristovska, Elizabeta and Andreevski, Igor and Popovska-Vasilevska, Sanja (2022) Impact of Covid-19 on Heating, Ventilation and Air - Conditioning Systems. TEM JOURNAL - Technology, Education, Management, Informatics, 11 (4). pp. 1563-1568. ISSN 2217-8309

Stevanoski, Aleksandar and Kuzmanov, Ivo and Angelevska, Silvana and Mijakovska, Svetlana (2022) FMEA as a tool in supply chain - automotive industry, case study in Republic North Macedonia. In: 57th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST), June 16-18, 2022, Ohrid, North Macedonia.

Stojanoska, Marija and Atanasova, Vaska (2022) „CREATING A MACROSCOPIC MODEL WITH PTV VISION VISUM, EXAMPLE OF PELAGONIJA REGION”. In: XIII International Scientific Conference ,,TESi 2022”, Vrnjacka Banja, Srbija.


Veljanovski, Goran and Popovski, Pande and Atanasovski, Metodija and Kostov, Mitko (2022) Implementation of Neural Networks and Feature Selection for Short Term Load Forecast. 2022 57th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST).


Zekiri, Zekirija and Hristovska, Elizabeta (2022) Verification of the new production – friction clutch attach body. International Journal of Application and Innovation in Engineering & Management (IJAIEM), 11 (7). pp. 14-19. ISSN 2319-4847

Zlatko Sovreski, Technicki fakultet pri UKLO Bitola and Elizabeta Hristovska, Technicki fakultet pri UKLO Bitola and Predrag Brlek, University "Nort" Koprivnica and Varazdin, Department for logist and Evelin Krmac, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transpo and Zoran Joshevski, Tehnicki Fakultet Bitola (2022) INFLUENCE OF OIL ADDITIVES ON FRICTION AND MECHANICAL LOSSES IN INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINES. ODRZLIVI RAZVOJ BRANICESKOG OKRUGA I ENERGETSKOG KOMPLEKSA KOSTOLAC. ISSN 978-86-914447-7-4

Zlatko Sovreski, Technicki fakultet pri UKLO Bitola and Misko Dzidrov, Masinski fakultet pri UGD Stip and Elizabeta Hristovska, Technicki fakultet pri UKLO Bitola and Vangelica Jovanovska, Biotehnicki fakultet pri UKLO Bitola and Mojsoska, Natasa and Feta Sinani, DUT Tetovo (2022) ANALYSIS OF ENGINE OILS IN MODERN DIESEL ENGINES. ODRZLIVI RAZVOJ BRANICESKOG OKRUGA I ENERGETSKOG KOMPLEKSA KOSTOLAC. ISSN 978-86-914447-7-4

Zlatko Sovreski, Technicki fakultet pri UKLO Bitola and Predrag Brlek, University "Nort" Koprivnica and Varazdin, Department for logist and Ivan Cvitkovic, University "Nort" Koprivnica and Varazdin, Department for logist and Zoran Joshevski, Tehnicki Fakultet Bitola and Evelin Krmac, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transpo and Elizabeta Hristovska, Technicki fakultet pri UKLO Bitola (2022) TRANSPORT AS A SOURCE OF GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS. ODRZLIVI RAZVOJ BRANICESKOG OKRUGA I ENERGETSKOG KOMPLEKSA KOSTOLAC. ISSN 978-86-914447-7-4

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