Items where Author is "Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina"

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Number of items: 51.


Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2019) Multi-criteria decision making approach as a tool for street network re-design in the city of Bitola - North Macedonia. Journal of Road and Traffic Engineering, LXV (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 0478-9733

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2019) Toward Management of Traffic Culture in Macedonia. Transport and communications, VII (1). pp. 56-60. ISSN 13395130

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2019) Development of methodology for the selection of the optimal type of pedestrian crossing, a case study. Decision Making: Applications in Management and Engineering, Vol.2 (1). pp. 105-114. ISSN ISSN: 2560-6018 eISSN:2620-0104

Malenkovska Todorova, Marija and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2019) Smart mobility – base for sustainable traffic-transportation systems development. Scientific journal 'Mechanics Transport Communications', 17 (3/1). II-19-II-25. ISSN 1312-3823

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2018) Promotion of pedestrian urban mobility through microscopic traffic flow simulation of environmental measures of effectiveness. Scientific journal 'Mechanics Transport Communications', 16 (3/2). I-8-I-14. ISSN 1312-3823

Malenkovska Todorova, Marija and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2017) Green highways – smart solution for sustainable environment development. Journal of Road and Traffic Engineering, LXIII (2). pp. 21-27. ISSN EISSN 2406-1557

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2016) A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF TRAFFIC SIMULATION SYSTEMS. Horizons. ISSN 1857-9892

Todorova, Malenkovska and Donceva, Radojka and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2016) PHOTOCATALYSIS – A PROMISING TECHNOLOGY FOR SUSTAINABLE ROADS. Horizons. ISSN 1857-9892

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2015) Bi-modal methodology for functional streets classification. Journal of Road and Traffic Engineering, Vol.61 (4). pp. 15-18. ISSN 0478-9733

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2013) Software Analysis of the Level of Air Pollution and Pedestrian Level of Service in the Downtown Area of Bitola, R.Macedonia. Suvremeni promet, Vol.33 (1-2). pp. 64-67. ISSN 0351-1898

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2013) Decision Support System for improved management of LDV flows through central business district of Bitola, Macedonia. Journal of road and traffic engineering, LIX (4). pp. 17-20. ISSN 0478-9733

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2012) Contribution to sidewalk pedestrian level of service analysis. Scientific journal Transport problems, 7 (3). pp. 5-15. ISSN 1896-0596

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2012) A comparative analysis of educationally developed microscopic traffic simulation model – SFStreetSIModel,version 1.1. Journal of road and traffic engineering, LVIII (4). pp. 5-8. ISSN 0478-9733

Malenkovska Todorova, Marija and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2009) Effects of improved management of traffic flows on sustainable road safety. Transport Problems international Scientific Journal, Vol.4 (3, 1). pp. 90-97. ISSN 1896-0596

Dukoski, Ivo and Sretenova Simjanovska, Vera and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2008) Development and Introduction of Logistic System for Maintenance of the Public Transportation Motor Vehicles: a Case Study. Suvremeni promet, Vol.28 (1-2). pp. 97-101. ISSN 0351-1898

Dukoski, Ivo and Sretenova Simjanovska, Vera and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2008) Development and Introduction of Logistic System for Maintenance of the Public Transportation Motor Vehicles: a Case Study. Modern Traffic, Vol.28. pp. 19-23. ISSN 0351-1898

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2008) Development of a Bi-modal Methodology for Urban Streets Functional Classification as Urban Planning Contribution. Suvremeni promet, Vol.28 (3-4). pp. 171-174. ISSN 0351-1898

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2008) Development of a Bi-modal Methodology for Urban Streets Functional Classification as Urban Planning Contribution. Modern Traffic, Vol.28. pp. 28-31. ISSN 0351-1898

Dukoski, Ivo and Simjanovska Sretenova, Vera and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2008) Meteorological security in road traffic through example of transport road network in Republic of Macedonia. International virtual journal for science, technics and Innovations for the industry, MTM, II (6-7). pp. 51-54. ISSN 1313-0226

Cvetanovski, Ile and Dančevska, Verica and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2008) Razvitak multimodalnih tehnologija transporta u Republici Makedoniji-tehnologija transporta Modalohr. Suvremeni promet, Vol.28 (1-2). pp. 55-57. ISSN 0351-1898

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina and Dukoski, Ivo (2007) Прилог кон методологиите за избор на еколошки оптимално доставно возило во градовите: студија на случај. Прилози / Contributions III, IV (07-08). pp. 261-275. ISSN 0420-0950

Malenkovska Todorova, Marija and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2007) Прилог анализи капацитета и нивоа услуге двотрачних ванградских путева за двосмерни саобраћај. Пут и саобраћај, LIV (4). pp. 34-38. ISSN 0478-9733

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2006) EIA of transportation projects in the Republic of Macedonia: comparative analysis. ©Journal of the Technical University at Plovdiv “Fundamental Sciences and Applications”, 13 (8). pp. 60-66. ISSN 1310-8271

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2006) A Mathematical Model for Establishing the Quantity of Delivered Goods in the Micro logistical Distributive System: A Case Study. Suvremeni promet, Vol.26 (1-2). pp. 120-124. ISSN 0351-1898

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2006) A Mathematical Model for Establishing the Quantity of Delivered Goods in the Micro logistical Distributive System: A Case Study. Modern Traffic, Special Issues, Vol.26. pp. 39-43. ISSN 0351-1898

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2006) A Scenario Proposed for EIA Implementation in the Republic of Macedonia. Modern Traffic - Special Issue, Vol.26 (6). pp. 62-66. ISSN 0351-1898

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2006) A Scenario Proposed for EIA Implementation in the Republic of Macedonia. Suvremeni promet, Vol.26 (6). pp. 413-417. ISSN 0351-1898

Mitrovski, Cvetko and Malenkovska Todorova, Marija and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2005) The micro-simulation model of vehicles motion on the roads with two traffic lanes for both directions. Road and Traffic, LII (2). pp. 43-49. ISSN 0478-9733

Malenkovska Todorova, Marija and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2004) Temporal variation of traffic flows in accordance with directions as a factor of influence on the dimensions of cross-sections on motorway stretches. Road and Traffic, LI (3). pp. 19-23. ISSN 0478-9733

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina Micro-logistic Distributive System Analysis: A Case Study. Transport and logistics. 7.1-7.4.

Book Section

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2012) Micro logistic performances on the example of Central Business District of the City of Bitola: A Case Study. In: ARSA - Proceedings in ARSA - Advanced Research in Scientific Areas. EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia, pp. 1746-1748. ISBN 978-80-554-0606-0

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2012) Микроскопски симулационен модел на движење на пешаци. In: Зборник на трудови 2012, Proceedings 2012. Технички факултет Битола, Битола, pp. 289-299. ISBN 978-9989-786-86-0

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2012) Microscopic Simulation Model SFStreetSIModel, version 1.1 as an assist decision instrument for sustainable development of cities in Macedonia: case study. In: New Urbanity, Cities s.Global Challenges - Proceedings. University Union - Nikola Tesla, Serbia, Belgrade.

Malenkovska Todorova, Marija and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2012) TRIS Модел-алатка за оценување на квалитетот во високото образование. In: Зборник на трудови 2012, Proceedings 2012. Технички факултет Битола. ISBN 978-9989-786-86-0

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2006) Safety Level of Service Measures of Effectiveness and the Highway Capacity Manual: A case study. In: Prevention of traffic accidents on roads 2006. YUBS, Novi Sad, pp. 155-160.

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2006) Speed-flow regression models for interrupted traffic stream: A case study. In: Transportation and globalization. Narodna in inuverzitetna knjiznica, Ljubljana, Slovenija. ISBN 978-961-6044-80-6


Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2019) Стратегија за развој на сообраќајот и мобилноста во градовите. Manual. Национална и универзитетска библиотека „Св.Климент Охридски“ - Скопје, Скопје.

Conference or Workshop Item

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2019) City of Bitola toward traffic calming and street network re-design. In: VIII International Symposium of Young Researchers, Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, Katowice.

Malenkovska Todorova, Marija and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina and Biljanovski, Mile (2018) CYCLING INFRASTRUCTURE - MOBILIZING OF CITY. In: Transport for Today's Society, 17-19 May 2018, Bitola, North Macedonia.

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2017) Shared space concept in the city of Bitola: micro-simulation analysis. In: The 5th Scientific Expert Meeting "Road and Environment", 28-29 Septemvri 2017, Vrsac, Srbija.

Malenkovska Todorova, Marija and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2017) Zeleni putevi – pametno resenje za odrzivi razvoj zivotne sredine. In: Naucno strucni skup "Put i zivotna sredina", 28-29 Septemvri 2017, Vrsac, Srbija.

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2016) Introducing the “shared space” concept in the city of Bitola: micro-simulation analysis. In: XIII MEĐUNARODNI PROMETNI SIMPOZIJ, PROMETNI SUSTAVI 2016, 28-29 April 2016, Zagreb, Hrvatska.

Miskovska, Dijana and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2016) Proposed scenario for reconstruction of the central urban area in Prilep, Macedonia. In: V International Symposium of Young Researchers TRANSPORT PROBLEMS, 27 June 2016, Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, Katowice.

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2016) Urban road pricing in Macedonian cities: state - of - the – art. In: Second International Scientific Conference of Applied Sciences, 13-14 May 2016, University of Tetovo and Northern Illinois University.

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2016) A comparative analysis of educationally developed microscopic traffic simulation model - SFStreetSIModel, version 2.1. In: VIII International Scientific Conference Transport problems 2016, 30 June 2016, Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, Katowice.

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2015) Micro simulation analysis of introducing the “shared space” concept in the City of Bitola: A Case Study. In: 4-thVirtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Fields, 9-13 November 2015, EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina.

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2013) Advanced approach for improved management of freight distribution and logistics processes through central business district of Bitola, Macedonia. In: , International Working Conference ’’Total Quality Management – Advanced and Intelligent Approaches, 3-7 June 2013, Belgrade.

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2008) Effects of improved management of traffic flows on sustainable road safety. In: VIII Scientific Conference, Telematics, Logistics and Transport Safety–TLTS’08, 16-18 October 2008, Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport, Katowice.


Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2012) Анализа на влијанието на бочните пречки врз перформансите на текот на гратските сообраќајници од секундарната улична мрежа. Doctoral thesis, University "St.Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola.

Teaching Resource

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina Урбана логистика. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)


Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2018) Development of methodology for the selection of the optimal type of pedestrian crossing. The 2nd International Conference on Management.

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