Items where Division is "Faculty of Technical Sciences" and Year is 2012

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Number of items: 34.


Acevski, Nikolche and Mijovski, Kire and Mijovski, Tomce (2012) Power Quality According to EN 50160. In: ICEST 2012, Veliko Turnovo Bugarija.


Angelevski, Zore and Angelevska, Silvana and Kuzmanov, Ivo (2012) Електронска евиденција на трошоците за енергетска ефикасност со поглед кон иновативни методи за изолација како дел од модел за организациско совршенство. International Symposium - Energetics 2012.

Angelevski, Zore and Dimitrieska, Cvete and Angelevska, Silvana and Kuzmanov, Ivo (2012) Model of optimization of temperatures on the carer of heat within combined production of energy. International Symposium - Energetics 2012. pp. 215-221.

Atanasovski, Metodija and Taleski, Rubin (2012) Energy Summation Method for Loss Allocation in Radial Distribution Networks With DG. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 27 (3). pp. 1433-1440. ISSN 0885-8950


Bahtovska, E. (2012) On the computation of the optimal damping of a bundle of conductors equipped with spacer dampers, by means of FE method. In: The 1st Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference.

Bahtovska, E. (2012) Opredeluvanje na energijata na prigusuvanje na sistemot snop provodni jazinja opremen so prostorni damperi. In: Zbornik na trudovi na TF, 2012, Bitola, Makedonija.

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2012) Микроскопски симулационен модел на движење на пешаци. In: Зборник на трудови 2012, Proceedings 2012. Технички факултет Битола, Битола, pp. 289-299. ISBN 978-9989-786-86-0

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2012) Contribution to sidewalk pedestrian level of service analysis. Scientific journal Transport problems, 7 (3). pp. 5-15. ISSN 1896-0596

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2012) Micro logistic performances on the example of Central Business District of the City of Bitola: A Case Study. In: ARSA - Proceedings in ARSA - Advanced Research in Scientific Areas. EDIS - Publishing Institution of the University of Zilina, Zilina, Slovakia, pp. 1746-1748. ISBN 978-80-554-0606-0

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2012) Microscopic Simulation Model SFStreetSIModel, version 1.1 as an assist decision instrument for sustainable development of cities in Macedonia: case study. In: New Urbanity, Cities s.Global Challenges - Proceedings. University Union - Nikola Tesla, Serbia, Belgrade.

Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2012) A comparative analysis of educationally developed microscopic traffic simulation model – SFStreetSIModel,version 1.1. Journal of road and traffic engineering, LVIII (4). pp. 5-8. ISSN 0478-9733


Draganov, Ivo R. (2012) Directional Transforms Applicability in Image Coding. In: "International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST" (28-30 June 2012) hosted in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, 28-30 June 2012, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.


Hristovska, Elizabeta (2012) Contemporary experimental testing (Sovremeni eksperimentalni ispituvanja). University St. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola, Bitola. ISBN ISBN 978-9989-786-97-6

Hristovska, Elizabeta (2012) Contemporary experimental testing - Practicum (Sovremeni eksperimentalni ispituvanja - Praktikum). Faculty of Technical Sciences, Bitola. ISBN ISBN 978-9989-786-98-3

Hristovska, Elizabeta (2012) Means of transport (Sredstva za transport). University St. Kliment Ohridski - Bitola, Bitola. ISBN ISBN 978-9989-786-95-2

Hristovska, Elizabeta (2012) Modelling of riveted truss-joints in lattice girder. International scientific journal “Horizons”, 8. pp. 17-26. ISSN ISSN 1857-6206


Koltovska Nechoska, Daniela and Bombol, Kristi (2012) The Impact of Detector Placement on Signalized Intersection Performance. Promet - Traffic&Transportation, 21 (6). ISSN 0353-5320

Kostov, Mitko and Petkovski, Mile and Jolevski, Ilija (2012) Application of Multiresolution Technique for Efficient Querying in Images Database. In: Summer Symposium For Electronics And Signal Processing - LEOS, September 2012, Mavrovo, Macedonia.

Kostov, Mitko and Petkovski, Mile and Jolevski, Ilija (2012) Images Pseudo-hash by Using Wavelet Coefficients. Annual Journal of Electronics, Technical University of Sofia, ISSN 1314-0078, 1 (6). pp. 148-151. ISSN ISSN 1314-0078

Kostov, Mitko and Petkovski, Mile and Jolevski, Ilija (2012) Wavelet-Based Queryng in Images Database. In: Conference on Perspectives of Mechatronics Engineering, September 2012, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Kuzmanov, Ivo (2012) Cost benefit analysis of the recycling process with regard of the environmental protection and financial benefits for organizations. International Journal of Trade and Commerce-IIARTC, 1 (2). pp. 390-394. ISSN ISSN-2277-5811 (Print), ISSN 2278-9065 (Online)


Malenkovska Todorova, Marija and Bunevska Talevska, Jasmina (2012) TRIS Модел-алатка за оценување на квалитетот во високото образование. In: Зборник на трудови 2012, Proceedings 2012. Технички факултет Битола. ISBN 978-9989-786-86-0

Mijakovski, Vladimir and Mitrevski, Vangelce and Mijakovski, Nikola (2012) Possible efficiency improvement by application of various operating regimes for the cooling water pump station at thermal power plant - Bitola. Thermal Science, 16 (1). pp. 263-270. ISSN 0354-9836

Mitrevski, Pece and Hristoski, Ilija (2012) ТАКСОНОМИИ НА Е-КУПУВАЧИ, ОПЕРАТИВНИ ПРОФИЛИ И ПЕРФОРМАБИЛНОСТ НА СИСТЕМИТЕ ЗА ЕЛЕКТРОНСКА ТРГОВИЈА (Taxonomies of e-Customers, Operating Profiles, and Performability of e-Commerce Systems). In: Proceedings of the Faculty of Technical Sciences - Bitola 2012. 50 Years Anniversary - Faculty of Technical Sciences - Bitola (1961 - 2011) . Faculty of Technical Sciences - Bitola / "St. Kliment Ohridski" University - Bitola, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, Bitola, Republic of Macedonia, pp. 85-90. ISBN 978-9989-786-86-0

Mitrevski, Vangelce and Mijakovski, Vladimir and Popovski, Filip (2012) Density of some fruits during drying. Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 11 (4). pp. 383-390. ISSN 1573-4377

Mitrevski, Vangelce and Mijakovski, Vladimir and Popovski, Filip and Popovski, Dusan (2012) Influence of Boundary Conditions on Particle Density. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology B, 12 (2). pp. 179-184. ISSN 2161-6264


Petkovski, Mile and Kostov, Mitko (2012) Low Cost Virtual Test Bed Design for Hardware In the Loop Testing of Power Electronic Circuits. In: Summer Symposium For Electronics And Signal Processing - LEOS, September 2012, Mavrovo, Macedonia.

Petkovski, Mile and Kostov, Mitko (2012) Model Based Design and Hardware in the Loop Testing in Power Electronics Courses. Journal of Association for Information Communication Technology, Education, Science – TEM Journal, 1 (4). pp. 292-296. ISSN 2217-8309

Petkovski, Mile and Kostov, Mitko and Markoski, Aleksandar (2012) Application of Hardware In the Loop simulation in Power Electronics Courses. In: Conference on Perspectives of Mechatronics Engineering, September 2012, Ohrid, Macedonia.


Sechkova, Teodora G. and Draganov, Ivo R. (2012) Image Compression with Inverse Pyramid Decomposition over Wavelet Spectrum. In: "International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies ICEST" (28-30 June 2012) hosted in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, June 28-30, 2011, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.


Trpezanovski, Ljupco and Atanasovski, Metodija and Dimitrov, Dimitar (2012) Technical Conditions for PV Plants Connection on the MV Distribution Grids in the Republic of Macedonia. In: XLVII INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION, COMMUNICATION AND ENERGY SYSTEMS AND TECHNOLOGIES, 28-30 June, Veliko Trnovo, Bulgaria.


Јаневска, Гордана (2012) Моделирањето како клучен елемент во процесот на дизајнирање на мехатроничките системи. Зборник на трудови на Технички факултет - Битола, Универзитет “Св. Климент Охридски” – Битола. pp. 300-305.


Пановски, С. and Генчев, С. and Јаневска, Г. (2012) Наши искуства и согледувања за политиките за градба на мали хидроелектрични централи во Република Македонија. In: Меѓународното советување “Енергетика 2012”, 04-06 октомври 2012, Охрид, Македонија.

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