Items where Division is "Scientific Tobacco Institute" and Year is

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Number of items: 59.


Bogdanceski, Milan and Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana Pridones kon prasanjeto za gustinata na sadenjeto na tutunot od sortata Prilep 7. In: 17 Simpozium po tutun, 27-29.09.1995, Ohrid.

Bogdanceski, Milan and Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana Proizvodni i kvalitetni svojstva na nekoi sorti tutun od tipot jaka vo Strumickiot region. In: 17 Simpozium po tuutn, 1-2.10.1995, Ohrid.


Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Bogdanceski, Milan and Miceska, Gordana Investigation of productional and Quality characteristics of some newly created oriental tobacco varieties. In: Conferencija, 16-18.06.1995, Sandanski.

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Gveroska, Biljana and Miceska, Gordana and Zdraveska, Natasha Chemical contents of tobacco variety Prilep 66 9 produced by applying the measures of integrated production in comparation with the traditional production of tobacco. In: International Scientific Conference “Global studies of tobacco, tobacco products, and innovative nicotine-containing products: status and perspectives”, 17.11.2020, Krasnodar,Rusia. (Submitted)

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana Physical characteristics of the leaf in some oriental varieties and lines of yaka tobacco. In: World conference of sustainable life sciences, 30.06-7.-7.2019, Bucharest, Romania. (Submitted)

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana Resistance to TMV( Tobacco mosaic virus) and blank shank ( ( Phytophtora parasitica var. nicotianae) in some Oriental tobacco varieties an lines. In: Coresta meeting, 2015, Izmir, Turkey.

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana Uticaj kvaliteta semenskog materijala na prinos i kvalitet duvana. In: 3 Jugoslovenski simpozium na prehrambenata tehnologija, 4-6.02.1998, Beograd, Srbija.

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana Varijadility of some phyzical and chemical properties of the oriental tobacco type Yaka depending on the variety. In: CORESTA Kongres, 1998, Brighton , England.

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana A new and more productive variety of Prilep tobacco. Second Balkan scientific conference of biology. Biotehnology&Biotehnol.EQ.24/2010/se.

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana and Bogdanceski, Milan Komparativni prednosti na nekoi novosozdadeni perspektivni linii od tipot Jaka vo sporedba so standardot JV 125/3,. In: 18 Simpozium po tutun, 26.09.1997, Ohrid.

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana and Bogdanceski, Milan Proizvodni i kvalitativni svojstva na nekoi novi sorti tutun od aromaticen tip. In: 19 Simpozium po tutun, 22-24.09.1999, Ohrid.

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana and Korubin - Aleksoska, Ana . Production characteristics of four Oriental tobacco lines resistant to black shank (Phytophtora parasitica var. nicotianae). In: CORESTA meeting , Agro-Phyto, 13-17.10.2013, Brufa di Torgiano, Italy. (Submitted)

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana and Marinkovic, Ljupco Promeni kaj fizickite svojstva na tutunot od tipot Prilep vo zavisnost od klimatskite uslovi i sortata. In: Megunaroden naucen sobir , Denot na visnata, Prolom Banja, Srbija.

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana and Taskoski, Petre and Marinkovic, Ljubomir and Gveroska, Biljana Otpornost na nekoi novosozdadeni perspektivni linii od tipot jaka na obicniot mozaik virus (TMV). 1 kongres za zastita na rastenijata , zastita na zivotnata sredina i bezbednost na hrana.

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Vasileski, Goce and Bogdanceski, Milan and Miceska, Gordana Varijabilnost na prinosot i kvalitetot na tutunskoto seme od tipot prilep vo zavisnost od sortata i laserskata stimulacija. In: 17 Simpozium po tutun, 27-29.09.1995, Ohrid.

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Vasileski, Goce and Marinkovik, Lupco and Miceska, Gordana Varijabilnost na degustativnite svojstva na tutunskata surovina od tipot prilep vo zavisnost od sortata i laserskata obrabotka,. In: 19 Simpozium po tutun, 22-24.09.1999, Ohrid.

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Vasileski, Goce and Miceska, Gordana Effect of genotipe and laser stimulation upon chemical properties of tobacco. In: Coresta, 6-9.10.1997, Montreux , Swicerland.

Dimovska, Bojana and Šajn, Robert and Bačeva, Katerina and Stafilov, Trajche Monitoring of air pollution with heavy metals in Bitola and its environs. In: 10th Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry for the Students of Macedonia (With International Participation), 17-19 October 2013, Skopje, Book of Abstracts, Z. Noneska, D. Stanoeva-Gogovska (Eds.), p. 20.

Dimovska Gonovska, Bojana and Jordanoska Shishkoska, Biljana and Gluseska, Marjana and Krsteska, Vesna and Stafilov, Trajche and Pelivanoska, Valentina and Srbinoska, Marija ВЛИЈАНИЕ НА ДЕЛТАМЕТРИН ВРЗ СОДРЖИНАТА НА БАКАР И ЦИНК ВО ТУТУН И ПОЧВА. In: IV Студентска конференција “ Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина” во организација на земјоделски факултет при универзитетот “ Гоце Делчев” од Штип, 9 неоември 2023, усна презентација.

Dimovska Gonovska, Bojana and Jordanoska Shishkoska, Biljana and Gluseska, Marjana and Krsteska, Vesna and Stafilov, Trajche and Pelivanoska, Valentina and Srbinoska, Marija The impact of deltamethrine on copper and zinc content in oriental tobacco and soil. In: 26th Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia with International Participation, Ohrid, 20-23 September, 2023, Book of Abstracts, AEC P-18, p. 107..

Dimovska Gonovska, Bojana and Stafilov, Trajce and . Šajn, Robert and Bačeva, Katerina Distribution of lead and zinc in soil over the Bitola Region, Republic of Macedonia. Geologica Macedonica, 28(1), 87–91 (2014)..

Dimovska Gonovska, Bojana and Stafilov, Trajce and Šajn, Robert and Tănăselia, C Moss biomonitoring of air pollution with arsenic in Bitola and its environs, Republic of Macedonia. Geologica Macedonica, 27(1), 5–11 (2013)..

Dimovska Gonovska, Bojana and Šajn, Robert and Stafilov, Trajce and Bačeva, Katerina and Tănăselia, C Determination of atmospheric pollution around the thermoelectic power plant using a moss biomonitoring. Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health, 7, 541–557 (2014).


Gveroska, Biljana Application of Trichoderma harzianum in tobacco seedlings protection. Scientific Tobacco Institute.


Gveroska, Biljana In vitro Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Some New Fungicides in the Control of Rhizoctonia solani in Tobacco Seedlings. International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research (IJOEAR), 4 (4). pp. 56-65. ISSN 2454-1850

Gveroska, Biljana and Miceska, Gordana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Korubin-Aleksoska, Ana Effect of the plant hormone kinetin on reducing the intensity of brown spot disease on tobacco. In: 49th Croatian & 9th International Symposium on Agriculture, Dubrovnik,Croatia.


Jordanoska Shishkoska, Biljana and Pelivanoska, Valentina and Dimovska Gonovska, Bojana and Krsteska, Vesna and Srbinoska, Marija Spatial variability and soil fertility status in tobacco planting area of municipality of Prilep. 4th International Conference on Agriculture and Life Sciences (ICOALS 4), Agricultural University of Tirana, 01 November - 03 November 2023, Tirana, Albania, Conference Proceedings, pp. 73-75..


Kareska, Katerina The application of total quality management (TQM) as a response to modern management challenges from the transition process. In: ACADEMIC AND MANAGERIAL CHALLENGES, ACHIEVEMENTS AND LESSONS LEARNED IN COUNTRIES TRANSITIONING TOWARDS MARKET ECONOMY.

Katerina, Kareska Economic indicators for the sustainability of tobacco production in the Republic of North Macedonia. In: XII INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, 24-26, May, 2023, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Katerina, Kareska PRINCIPLES OF TQM IN TOBACCO PRODUCTION IN R.NORTH MACEDONIA. In: IV. International Agricultural, Biological & Life Science Conference, 29-31 August 2022, Edirne, Turkey.

Korubin - Aleksoska, Ana and Arsov, Zlatko and Miceska, Gordana and Gveroska, Biljana DIALLEL CROSSES TRIAL – THE BASIS FOR DETECTION OF RESISTANCE TO DISEASES IN TOBACCO. Bulletin of Tobacco science and profession, 64 (7-12). pp. 3-12. ISSN 0494-3244

Korubin - Aleksoska, Ana and Arsov, Zlatko and Miceska, Gordana and Gveroska, Biljana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav Detection of resistence to diseases in trail with diallel crosses of tobacco. In: 49th Croatian & 9th International Symposium on Agriculture, 16-21.02.2014, Dubrovnik,Croatia. (Submitted)

Kočoska, Karolina and Risteski, Ilija Results in breeding of semi-oriental tobacco in scientific tobacco institute - Prilep. Science and technologies, IV (6). pp. 43-46. ISSN 1314-4111

Krsteska, Vesna Faunistic analysis of Sphaerophoria rueppelli Wiedemann, 1830. Tobacco, 57 (11-12). pp. 242-251. ISSN 0494-3244


Miceska, Gordana IN VITRO HAPLOID PRODUCTION IN TOBACCO. Bulletin of Tobacco science and profession, 59 (9-10). pp. 201-206. ISSN 0494-3244

Miceska, Gordana Yield characteristics of dihaploids lines of oriental tobacco obtained in vitro. In: CORESTA Congres, 02-07.11.2008, Shanghai , China.

Miceska, Gordana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav Morphological characteristics of new lines of Oriental tobacco type Prilep resistant to TMV. Proceeding of 45 Croatian and 5 international symposium on agriculture.

Miceska, Gordana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav Production and quality characteristics in some new Yaka tobacco varieties . In: CORESTA meeting, 2015, Izmir, Turkey.

Miceska, Gordana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav A new and more productive. Bulletin of Tobacco science and profession, 58 (1-6). pp. 105-106. ISSN 0494-3244

Miceska, Gordana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Spasenoski, Mirko : Change in the content of biogenic elements: N ,P, K, Ca, Mg and Fe in vatiety Pv156/1 influenced by the effect of chlorcholinechloride and giberelic acid. In: Coresta kongres, 1998, Brighton , England.

Miceska, Gordana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Spasenoski, Mirko Hemiski, fizicki i degustativni svojstva na sortata Prilep ( P10-3/2 ) dobiena in vitro. In: II Mecunaroden Kongres na biolozi na Makedonija, 1998, Ohrid.

Miceska, Gordana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Spasenoski, Mirko Varijability of some chemical properties in tobacco type prilep infected with TMV. Collection reports , 2 Balcan scientific conference , Quality and efficiency of the tobacco production, treatment and processing. pp. 229-231.

Miceska, Gordana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Zdraveska, Natasha CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF SOME DIAHAPLOID VARIETIES AND LINES FROM TYPE PRILEP. In: International Scientific Conference “Global studies of tobacco, tobacco products, and innovative nicotine-containing products: status and perspectives”, 17.11.2020, Krasnodar,Rusia. (In Press)

Miceska, Gordana and Korubin - Aleksoska, Ana and Aleksoski, Jane Variability in some old tobacco varieties in Republic of Makedonia. In: Coresta meeting, 2015, Izmir, Turkey.

Miceska, Gordana and Spasenoski, Mirko and Aceska, Nade and Dimitrieski, Miroslav Promeni vo sodrzinata na hloroplastnite pigmenti, sodzinata na suvata materija, nikotinot i bioelementite N, P, K, Ca, Mg i Fe kaj sortata P 12-2/1 pri razlicni koncentracii na Ga3 i SSS,. In: 1 kongres na biolozi na Makedonija so megunarodno ucestvo, 18-21.09.1996, Ohrid.

Miceska, Gordana and Spasenoski, Mirko and Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Aceska, Nade Vlijanie na hlorholinhloridot (SSS) vrz sodrzinata na hloroplastnite pigmenti i nikotinot kaj tutunot od tipot Prilep (P 156/1),. In: 18 Simpozium po tutun, 24-25.09.1997, Ohrid.


Pasovska, Silvana Analysis of the state of tobacco production in Macedonia with special reference to the young working population. Journal of Agriculture and and Plant Sciences. ISSN 2545-4455

Pasovska, Silvana Possible ways and approaches for sustainable agriculture with special reference to tobacco production. Journal of Agriculture. ISSN ISSN: 2671-3071

Puteska, Ana and Dimovska Gonovska, Bojana and Stafilov, Trajce and Šajn, Robert Distribution of chemical elements in soil samples from the Pelagonia Region, Republic of Macedonia. Geologia Croatica, 68(3), 261–272 (2015).

Puteska, Ana and Dimovska Gonovska, Bojana and Stafilov, Trajche and Šajn, Robert Distribution of chemical elements in soil from Pelagonia Region, Republic of Macedonia. In: XXIII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia with International Participation, 8-11 October 2014, Ohrid, R. Macedonia, Book of Abstracts, EN014, p. 124..


Srbinoska, Marija and Pelivanoska, Valentina and Jordanoska Shishkoska, Biljana and Dimovska Gonovska, Bojana and Klopcevska, Jana and Rafajlovska, Vesna and Krsteska, Vesna and Kočoska, Karolina Ultrasoud assised alkaline and acidic pretreatments of cellulose from tabacco stalk. 4th International Conference on Agriculture and Life Sciences (ICOALS 4), Agricultural University of Tirana, 01 November - 03 November 2023, Tirana, Albania, Conference Proceedings, pp. 64-65..

Stafilov, Trajce and Šajn, Robert and Puteska, Ana and Dimovska Gonovska, Bojana Geochemical atlas of Pelagonia. Working Paper. Природно-математички факултет, Скопје, 2015.


T. Stafilov, T and Šajn, R and Puteska, A and Dimovska Gonovska, Bojana Moss biomonitoring of air pollution with potentially toxic elements in the Pelagonia Region, North Macedonia. Chemistry and Ecology, 39(3), 302-318 (2023);

Tashkoski, Martin and Krsteska, Vesna Automatic identification of Trialeurodes vaporariorum and Bemisia tabaci. Тутун-Tobacco, 69 (1-6). pp. 40-50. ISSN 0494 - 3244

Tashkoski, Petre and Gveroska, Biljana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana INVESTIGATION OF RESISTANCE TO PHYOPHTHORA PARASITICA VAR. NICOTIANAE IN SELECTED ORIENTAL TOBACGO VARIETIES. Годишен зборник за заштита на растенијата, XIX. pp. 103-107. ISSN 1409-5084


Zdraveska, Natasha and Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana and Gveroska, Biljana PHYSICAL COMPOSITIONS OF TOBACCO OF THE VARIETY PRILEP 66 9 PRODUCED BY APPLYING THE MEASURES OF INTEGRATED PRODUCTION IN COMPARISON WITH THE TRADITIONAL PRODUCTION OF TOBACCO. In: International Scientific Conference “Global studies of tobacco, tobacco products, and innovative nicotine-containing products: status and perspectives”, 17.11.2020, Krasnodar,Rusia. (In Press)

Zlatanovska, I and Stafilov, Trajce and Šajn, Robert and Dimovska Gonovska, Bojana and Dimovska, Snezana and Janusheski, J and Barandovski, Lambe Terrestrial radioactivity in the city of Bitola and its environs. , II International Conference on Physical Aspects of Environment - ICPAE 2023, University of Novi Sad, Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin, 24th August – 26th August, Zrenjanin, Serbia, Proceedings, pp. 2-6..

Zlatanovska, I and Stafilov, Trajche and Šajn, Robert and Dimovska, Bojana and Dimovska, Snezana and Janušeski, J and Barandovski, Lambe Terrestrial radioactivity in the city of Bitola and its environs. In: International Conference on Physical Aspects of Environment ICPAE2023, Technical Faculty "Mihajlo Pupin", Zrenjanin & Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, Nis, Serbia, 24th August - 26th August 2023; Conference Proceedings ICPAE 2023, p. 1..

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