Items where Author is "Nikoloska, Svetlana"

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Number of items: 73.


Nikoloska, Svetlana (2017) Criminalistics Characteristics of Crimes Against Official Duty. 8 th International Scientific Conference, Security Concepts and Policies – New Generation of Risks and Threats, , Faculty of security, Van Gog, Skopje,, 3. ISSN 978-608-4828-09-9

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2016) Role of the Entities in the System for Prevention of Money laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Republic of Macedonia. , Zbornik radova sa skupa Dani Arcibalda Rajsa 2016, Policijska Akademija Zemun.

Nikoloska, Svetlana and Angjeleski, Jovche (2016) SECURITY OF THE COMPUTER DATA AND INFORMATION IN THE ELECTRONIC TRAFFIC. Horizons. ISSN 1857-9892

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2015) Criminalistic Control and Processing af Economic Crimes. Супротстављање савременим облицима криминалитета, анализа стања, европски стандарди и мере за унапређење, Том 1, Зборник радова, Криминалистичко Полицијска Академија,Фондација “Ханс Зајдел”, Beograd. ISSN 978-86-7020-322-8

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2015) Geopolitics in the 21 ST Centrury and appearance of new socio – Criminological Types of Crime: Prevention of Personal data misuse in computer cystems. International Scientific Conference Macedonia and The Balkans, a Hundred years after the World War I – Security and Euroatlantic Integrations, Volume II, Faculty of Security, Van Gog, Skopje. ISSN 978-608-4532-52-1

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2014) Criminal Investigation of computer crime in the Republic of Macedonia. International Yearbook, Faculty of Security,. ISSN 1857-6508

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2014) Criminalistics aspects of bankruptcy crime in the Republic of Macedonia over empirical investigation of police officers who elaborated this issues,. International scientific conference, Ohrid, 2014, Macedonia and the Balkans, a hundred years after the world war I – security and Euro – Atlantic integrations.

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2014) Geopolitics in the 21 st Century and appearance of new socio – criminological types of crime: Prevention of personel data misuses in computer systems. International scientific conference, Ohrid, 2014. Macedonia and the Balkans, a hundred years after the world war I – security and Euro – Atlantic integrations, Van Gog, Skopje, 2. ISSN 978-608-4532-52-1

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2014) Inter-Institutional Cooperation in the Process of Investigating Economic-Financial Crime in the Republic of Macedonia. Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo / Ljubljana 65 / 2014. ISSN 0034-690X

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2014) Managing in Conditions of Crisis Events – Environmental Aspects. Collegium Antropologicum, Vol. 38 No 1 Suppl. ISSN 1848-9486

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2014) Responsibility of legal entities for economic and financial crimes in the Republic of Macedonia. Archibald Reiss days – Thematic conference proceedings of International significance, 1. ISSN 978-86-7020-190-3 I 978-86-7020-278-8

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2013) Kriminalističke karakteristike makoletničkog nasilničkog kriminaliteta u Republici Makedoniji. Zbornik radova Međunarodna naučnostručna konferencija Vršnjačko nasilje ( etiologija, fenomenologija, načini prevayilaženja i komparativna iskustva). ISSN ISBN 978-99938-43-37-5

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2013) Modern concept and methods for dealing with organized crime with special reference to the crime „white collar crimes“. “, Nauka, Obrazovanie, Sigurnost - Публикација на меѓународна научна конференција - 10 години од образованието за безбедност, Нов Бугарски Универзитет, Софија. ISSN 978-954-535-796-1

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2013) Opportunities for abuse of data in new technologies. , International Scientific Conference: The Balkans between Past and Future: Security, Conflict Resolution and Euro – Atlantic Integration, Faculty of Security Skopje, Skopje, Van Gog, 1. ISSN 978-608-4532-35-4

Nikoloska, Svetlana Људска права у процесу криминалистичке и финансијске истраге. Култура полиса - Култура људских права у 21 веку, посебно изданје 2, Нови Сад.

Nikoloska, Svetlana , Криминалистички карактеристики на кривичните дела “Проневера во службата” и “Послужување во службата. Меѓународен годишник, Факултет за безбедност, Скопје.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Оперативне акције у функцији истраживања органиѕованог економско - финансијског криминала у Републици Македонији. , Научно стручни скуп ѕа међународним учешћем, Супротстављање организованом криминалу правни оквир, међународни стандарди и процедуре.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Кривично – правни аспекти на перењето пари во Република Македонија. Хоризонти, Универзитет “Св. Климент Охридски.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Поим, постапки и соработка во истражувањето на перењето пари во Република Македонија. Годишник на Факултетот за безбедност, Скопје,.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Економскиот криминалитет во Република Македонија. Здружение за кривично право и криминологија на Македонија.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Компјутерски кривични дела против слободите и правата на човекот и граѓаните во Република Македонија. Хоризонти, Универзитет “Св. Климент Охридски” – Битола.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Компјутерскиот криминалитет како сериозна закана за безбедноста. Зборник од Научно – стручна конференција “Безбедност, еколошка безбедност и предизвиците на Република Македонија.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Потребата од финансиски истраги за сторителите на кривични дела против културното наследство во Република Македонија. Зборник на трудови од тркалезна маса “Заштита на културното наследство во Република Македонија.

Nikoloska, Svetlana ,Финансиските истраги како предуслов за спречување на организираниот економско – финансиски криминал во Република Македонија,. Годишник на Факултетот за безбедност, Скопј.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Стечаен криминалитет. Хоризонти, Универзитет “Св. Климент Охридски” – Битола.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Царинскиот криминалитет во Република Македонија,. Годишник на Факултетот за безбедност, Скопје.

Nikoloska, Svetlana CONFRONTING HATE SPEECH SPREAD VIA COMPUTER SYSTEMS IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA. Зборник на трудови произлезен од меѓународната научна конференција на тема „Кризен менаџмент: Предизвици и перспективи.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Computer crime as a form of threat caused by the progress in information technology,. Безбедносни дијалози, Филозофски факултет, Институт за безбедност, одбрана и мир,.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Computer crime in the Criminal Code of Republic of Macedonia with a special reference on computer crimes against property. International Yearbook, Faculty of secutiry, Skopje.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Confiscation White – Collar Crime Procceds in the Republic of Macedonia, Criminal Justice and Security in Central and Eastern Europe – Safety, Security, and Social Control. Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Criminal legal and Criminalistics Characteristics of Abuse of Duty and Authority in the Republic of Macedonia. Тематски зборник радова Том I, Осми научно - стручни скуп са међународним учешћем „Полиција и правосудни органи као гаранти слободе и беѕбедности у правној држави“ , Криминалистичко - полицијска академија, Београд и Правни факултет у Крагујевцу, Фондаци.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Criminal liability of the perperators for the crime „money laundering and other procceeds from crime“ in Republic of Macedonia. Horizons International scientific journal Series A Social Sciences and Humanities.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Criminal processing of bankruptcy crimes, Criminalistic education, situation and perspectives - 20 years after Vodinelic. International Yearbook, Faculty of secutiry,.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Criminal research of tax evasion and money laundering. Thematic proceedings of International significance – Archibald Reiss days Volume II, Academy of Criminalistic and police studies, Belgrade.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Criminalistic aspects of bankrutptcy crime in The Republic of Macedonia over Empirical Investigation of Police Officers who Elaborated thiss Issue,. International Scientific Conference Macedonia and The Balkans, a Hundred years after the World War I – Security and Euroatlantic Integrations, Volume II, Faculty of Security.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Emergent Shapes and Forms of Corruption, Shemes of Smuggling of Goods and Opposition Forces Authorit. Standardized Training for financial Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism, European Union programme – Prevention of and Fight Against Crime, JLS/2007/ISEC/FPA/C1/020, Academy of Ministry of Interior, R. Bulgaria.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Forenzika i organizovani oblici ekonomsko - finansijskog kriminaliteta. Nauчna konferencija,,Pravo i forenzika u kriminalistici,,.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Importance of prevention of interference and prevention on bankruptcy criminality. International Yearbook , Faculty of secutiry, Skopje.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Inter – Institutional Collaboration in the field of Bancruptcy – Related crime in the Republic of Macedonia,. 7 th International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Trends in Social Control of Crime”, Facultu of security.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Inter – Institutional Cooperation in Leading Financial Inquiries of the Organized Crime and Terrorism. Standardized Training for financial Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism, European Union programme – Prevention of and Fight Against Crime, JLS/2007/ISEC/FPA/C1/020, Academy of Ministry of Interior, R. Bulgaria.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Investigation of Financial Support and Funding of Terrorism as Public Policy and the Role of Competent Institutions. Standardized Training for financial Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism, European Union programme – Prevention of and Fight Against Crime, JLS/2007/ISEC/FPA/C1/020, Academy of Ministry of Interior, R. Bulgaria.

Nikoloska, Svetlana , Investigations of Organized economic – financial crime trough the application of concept and method of teamwork of direct and indirect competent institution in the Republic of Macedonia. International Scientific Conference “Security in the Post – Conflict (Western) Balkans: Transition and Challenges faced by the Republic of Macedonia Volume I, Van Gog, Skopje.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Izrada i upotreba lažnih platežnih kartica kao masovni oblik komjuterskog kriminala u Republici Makedoniji. , Zbornik radova Međunarodna naučno stručna konferencija „Suzbijanje kriminala i Evropske integracije s osvrtom na visokotehnološki kriminal” , MUP UPO Visoka škola unutrašnjih poslova u saradnij sa Hans Zajdel fondacijom, Laktaši,.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Kriminalističke karakteristike maloletničkog nasilničkog imovinskog kriminaliteta u Republici Makedoniji. Zbornik radova Međunarodne naučnostručne konferencije “Vršnjačko nasilje (etiologija, fenomenologija, načini, prevazilaženja i komparativna iskustva”, MUP UPO Visoka škola unutrašnjih poslova u saradnij sa Hans Zajdel fondacijom, Laktaši.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Managing in conditions of crisis events – environmental aspects. VI Međunarodna konferencija ,,Dani kriznog upravljanja,, Zbornik radova, Velika Gorica, Hrvatska.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Methods and tehniquest of Inter – Institutional Cooperation in the process of creating a successful, System for Prevention of Money laundering. 7 th International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Trends in Social Control of Crime”, Facultu of security.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Methods, Trends and future Challenges financing of terrorism in Europe. 8 th International Scientific Conference, Security Concepts and Policies – New Generation of Risks and Threats, Faculty of security,.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Međuinstitucionalna kontrola i saradnja u procesu suzbijanja novca. Zbornik radova sa naučno – stručnog skupa sa međunarodnim učeščem, Suzbijanje kriminala u okviru međunarodne policijske saradnje, Kriminalističko policijska akademija, Beograd.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Modern concept and methods of the criminalistic investigation of economic and financial criminality im Macedonia. , International scientific conference, Archibald Reiss Days Thematic conference proceedings of International significance, 1. ISSN 978-86-7020-190-3 I 978-86-7020-260-3

Nikoloska, Svetlana Profiling of High Risk Profiles of Clients in Order to Prevent Money Laundering and Terrorism. Journal of Forensic Antropology.

Nikoloska, Svetlana , Role of Banks as Entity in the System Prevention of Money Laundering in the Republic of Macedonia. Elsevier Ltd Publishing agreement, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Science.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Role of Banks as Entity in the System Prevention of Money Laundering in the Republic of Macedonia,. Elsevier Ltd Publishing agreement, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. ISSN 1877-0428

Nikoloska, Svetlana Scope, structure and dynamics of economic crimes in the Republic of Macedonia,. Tematski zbornik radova međunarodnog značaja, sa Međunarodne naučno stručne konferencije „Dani Arcibalda Rajsa“ Beograd,.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Sistem prevencije pranja novca u Republici Makedoniji. Zbornik radova – mеdjunarodna naucna konferencija.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Some aspects of corruption in Republic of Macedonia. Horizons International scientific journal Series A Social Sciences and Humanities.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Tactical combination and operational implementation of crime – operational activity detection and elimination of criminality,. International Yearbook, Faculty of Security, Skopje.

Nikoloska, Svetlana The complex criminal combinations for investigating organized economic – financial crime,. International Scientific Conference “Security in and Euroatlantic Perspectives of the Balkans Police science and Police Proffesion (States and Perspectives) Volume II, Van Gog, Skopje,.

Nikoloska, Svetlana The use of syber space for terrorist purposes – with special references to the Financing of Terrorism. , International Scientific Conference: The Balkans between Past and Future: Security, Conflict Resolution and Euro – Atlantic Integration, Volume I, Faculty of Security Skopje, Skopje, Van Gog.


Nikoloska, Svetlana (2013) Економска криминалистика (третто изменето и дополнето издание). Other. Solaris print.

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2008) Кривични дела против службената должност. Other. Grafotrans.

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2008) Економска криминалистика (второ изменето и дополнето издание. Other. Grafik mak print.

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2007) Економска криминалистика,. Other. Grafik mak print.

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2005) Малолетничкиот криминалитет во Република Македонија. Other. Grafotrans.

Conference or Workshop Item


Mojanoski, Cane and Bacanovic, Oliver and Dimovski, Zlate and Nikoloska, Svetlana and Mojsoska, Snezana and Dujovski, Nikola and Gerginova, Tatjana and Gjurovski, Marjan (2014) INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE MACEDONIA AND THE BALKANS, A HUNDRED YEARS AFTER THE WORLD WAR I – SECURITY AND EURO-ATLANTIC INTEGRATIONS - TOM I. In: MACEDONIA AND THE BALKANS, A HUNDRED YEARS AFTER THE WORLD WAR I – SECURITY AND EURO-ATLANTIC INTEGRATIONS, 3-5 June 2014, Macedonia.


Mojanoski, Cane and Batkovski, Tome and Dujovski, Nikola and Mojsoska, Snezana and Nikoloska, Svetlana and Stefanovska, Vesna and Gogov, Bogdanco (2016) Contemporary Trends in Social Control of Crime - Book of abstracts 2016. Faculty of Security - Skopje, Skopje. ISBN ISBN 978-608-4532-84-2

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2015) Методика на истражување на општ криминалитет. 978-608-4532-34-7.

Mojanoski, Cane and Bacanovic, Oliver and Dimovski, Zlate and Nikoloska, Svetlana and Mojsoska, Snezana and Dujovski, Nikola and Gerginova, Tatjana (2014) MACEDONIA AND THE BALKANS, A HUNDRED YEARS AFTER THE WORLD WAR I – SECURITY AND EURO-ATLANTIC INTEGRATIONS BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. Faculty of Security- Skopje, Skopje. ISBN ISBN 978-608-4532-46-0

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2013) Методика на истражување на економско – финансиски криминалитет. Факултет за безбедност - Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4532-26-2

Nikoloska, Svetlana (2013) Методика на истражување на компјутерски криминалите. Факултет за безбедност - Скопје. ISBN ISBN 978-608-4532-34-7

Nikoloska, Svetlana Перење пари – криминолошки, кривично – правни и криминалистички карактеристики. Факултет за безбедност - Скопје.

Nikoloska, Svetlana Економска криминалистика. Факултет за безбедност - Скопје. ISBN ISBN 978-608-4532-61-3


Nikoloska, Svetlana (2008) Кривичните дела против службената должност (криминолошко-криминалистички аспекти). Doctoral thesis, University "St.Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola.

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