Items where Division is "Faculty of Technology and Technical Sciences" and Year is 2022
Al-Hilifi, Sawsan and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Ginger Essential Oil as an Active Addition to Composite Chitosan Films: Development and Characterization. MDPI-Gels, 8 (6). p. 327.
Al-Hilifi, Sawsan and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Physicochemical, Morphological and Functional Characterization of Edible Anthocyanin-Enriched Aloe Vera Coatings on Fresh Figs (Ficus carica L.). MDPI-Gels, 8.
Alija, Durim and Nikolovska Nedelkoska, Daniela and Kalevska, Tatjana and Xhabiri, Gafur and Stamatovska, Viktorija and Ziberi, Eljesa (2022) Influence of the addition of different additives on physic-chemical properties of wheat flour and rheological properties of dough with farinograph. International Journal of Food Technology and Nutrition, 5 (9/10). pp. 9-20.
Alija, Durim and Nikolovska Nedelkoska, Daniela and Kalevska, Tatjana and Xhabiri, Gafur and Stamatovska, Viktorija and Ziberi, Eljesa (2022) Influence of the addition of different additives on physico- chemical properties of wheat flour and rheological properties of dough with farinograph. In: International Congress on Natural, Health Sciences and Technology, Tetovо, Republic of North Macedonia.
Antoska-Knights, Vesna and Gacovski, Zoran and Deskovski, Stojce (2022) Mobile Robot Guidance and Control System using Fixed Potentials. Journal of Intelligent Computing.
Antoska-Knights, Vesna and Kalevska, Tatjana (2022) Applied statistics as a tool in quality control on advanced production. In: 2nd International conference on advanced production and processing – ICAPP, Proceedings Book. Faculty of Technology Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Antoska-Knights, Vesna and Millaku, Jetmira (2022) Three-factor experimental design as a tool in Applied Statistics. In: The 3rd International Conference of Applied Statistics.
Dabbour, M and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Effect of Drying Techniques on the Physical, Functional, and Rheological Attributes of Isolated Sunflower Protein and Its Hydrolysate. MDPI-Processes, 10.
Daniloski, Davor and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Recent developments on Opuntia spp., their bioactive composition, nutritional values, and health effects. Food Bioscience, 47.
Delinikolova, Eleonora and Jankuloska, Vezirka (2022) THE INFLUENCE OF CERTAIN LEADING FACTORS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSULIN RESISTANCE AND PROPOSED DIETARY MODELS AS NUTRITION THERAPY. International Journal Knowledge, 54 (3). pp. 431-436.
Durmishi, Berat and Antoska-Knights, Vesna (2022) Статистичка анализа на значајност помеѓу физичко-хемиските параметри кај медот на примероци од регионот. Универзитет „Св. Климент Охридски“ Битола.
Durmishi, Namik and Ferati, Ismail and Karakashova, Ljubica and Stamatovska, Viktorija and Ramadani, Qendrim (2022) Influence of technological processes on nutritional parameters in natural fruit juice (apples, raspberries, strawberries and cherries). Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, 76 (6). pp. 38-42.
Durmishi, Namik and Ferati, Ismail and Xhabiri, Gafur and Luma, Rejhana and Karakashova, Ljubica and Stamatovska, Viktorija and Lazova Borisova, Iliana (2022) Comparison of some quality and microbiological safety parameters in peach juice with different fruit contents. International Journal of Food Technology and Nutrition, 5 (9-10). pp. 62-68. ISSN ISSN 2671-3071
Ferati, Ismael and Kalevska, Tatjana and Nikolovska Nedelkoska, Daniela and Ivanova, Petya and Durmishi, Namik and Xhabiri, Gafur and Miftari, Hava and Alija, Durim and Luma, Rejhana (2022) The effect of environmental factors on the microbiological quality of flours. International journal of food technology and nutrition. International journal of food technology and nutrition, 5 (9-10). pp. 53-56.
Gavrilovska, Elena and Antoska-Knights, Vesna and Simovska, Vera and Ivanovski, Ninoslav (2022) Stataistical analysis concerning the importance of a low protein diet in the progression of chronic kidney disease. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design.
Hyseni, Arbër and Kalevska, Tatjana and Nikolovska Nedelkoska, Daniela and Dimitriovska, Gordana (2022) Evaluation of the Nutrient Content of Ordinary and Functional Yogurts. American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 90 (1). pp. 521-530.
Hyseni, Arbër and Kalevska, Tatjana and Nikolovska Nedelkoska, Daniela and Dimitrovska, Gordana (2022) Formulation and Processing of Functional Yogurts: A Review. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 65 (1). pp. 301-309.
Hyseni, Vlora and Nikolovska Nedelkoska, Daniela (2022) The role of the food sector in the strategies for improving the nutrition and health of the population. In: NUTRICON, 8-10 Jun 2022, Ohrid, R.N.Macedonia.
Jankuloska, Vezirka and Kalevska, Tatjana and Stamatovska, Viktorija and Nikolovska Nedelkoska, Daniela (2022) Novel foods in North Macedonia: Regulation, Role and perspectives of food obtained with innovative technologies. In: International Congress on Natural, Health Sciences and Technology, Tetovо, Republic of North Macedonia.
Jankuloska, Vezirka and Kalevska, Tatjana and Stamatovska, Viktorija and Nikolovska Nedelkoska, Daniela and Jovanovska, Lenche (2022) NOVEL FOODS IN NORTH MACEDONIA: REGULATION, ROLE, AND PERSPECTIVES OF FOOD OBTAINED WITH INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY AND NUTRITION,, 5 (9/10). pp. 109-118.
Kalevska, Tatjana and Stojanovska, Tanja and Joshevska, Elena and Nikolovska Nedelkoska, Daniela and Martinovski, Sasko and Kuzelov, Aco (2022) Evaluation of the sensory and oxidative properties of fresh sausages with added Agaricus Bisporus. In: 69th International Conference on Food science, engineering and technology, September 29-30, 2022, Plovdiv, Bugaria.
Karakashova, Ljubica and Bogdanovska, Vesna and Stojanov, Martin and Babanovska-Milenkovska, Frosina and Velkoska-Markovska, Lenche and Stamatovska, Viktorija and Durmishi, Namik (2022) Total anthocyanins in fresh fruit and compote of" oblacinska" sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.). Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, 76 (3). pp. 25-30.
Koraqi, Hyrije and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Environmentally Friendly Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Rosa canina L. fruits Using Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) as Green Extraction Media. Acta Chimica Slovenica, 69.
Kumar, Nishant and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Applications of Edible Packaging for the Preservation of Mushrooms. In: Food Packaging: Safety, Management and Quality. Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 979-8-88697-249-8
Kumar, Nishant and Pratibha, Pratibha and Neeraj, Neeraj and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Applications of Edible Packaging for Preservation of Mushrooms. In: Food Packaging: Safety, Management and Quality. Nova Science Publishers Inc. ISBN 979-8-88697-249-8
Kumar, Nishant and Pratibha, Pratibha and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Singla, Mohit (2022) Natural Gums for Fruits and Vegetables Preservation: A Review. In: Gums, Resins and Latexes of Plant Origin. Reference Series in Phytochemistry. Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-91379-3.
Kumar, Nishant and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Extending the shelf life of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruits by using edible coating based on xanthan gum and pomegranate peel extract. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization.
Kumar, Nishant and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Pomegranate peel extract - a natural bioactive addition to novel active edible packaging. Food Research International, 156.
Markovikj, Gordana and Antoska-Knights, Vesna (2022) Редукција на прекумерна телесна тежина и оптимизирање на здрава и нормална тежина преку примерот на медицинска кето диета: приказ на математички модел и симулација. Универзитет „Св. Климент Охридски“ Битола.
Markovikj, Gordana and Antoska-Knights, Vesna (2022) Model of optimisation of the sustainable diet indicators. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design.
Martinovski, Sasko and Kalevska, Tatjana and Pavlova, Valentina and Nikolovska Nedelkoska, Daniela (2022) NUTRITIONAL MARKETING AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOR. ICAPP. (In Press)
Martinovski, Sasko and Kalevska, Tatjana and Pavlova, Valentina and Nikolovska Nedelkoska, Daniela (2022) Nutritional marketing and consumer behavior. In: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Production and Processing, 20-22 October 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Pavlovska, Gorica and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Stabilization of sunflower oil by adding garden savory (Satureja Hortensis). In: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Production and Processing, October, 2022, Serbia.
Rao, VT and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Life Cycle Analysis of Thin-Film Photovoltaic Thermal Systems for Different Tropical Regions. MDPI-Sustainability, 14.
Stamatovska, Viktorija and Nakov, Gjore (2022) Management of apple and grape processing by-products. A review. Ukrainian Food Journal, 4 (11). pp. 518-541. ISSN ISSN 2313–5891 (Online); ISSN 2304–974X (Print)
Stojanovska, Tanja and Kalevska, Tatjana and Nikolovska Nedelkoska, Daniela and Pavlovska, Gorica (2022) Fatty acids profile of functional ohrid trout pâté. In: 2th Internacional on Advanced Production and Processing, 20-22 October 2022, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Stojanovska, Tanja and Kalevska, Tatjana and Nikolovska Nedelkoska, Daniela and Pavlovska, Gorica (2022) Formulation, production and determination of physical-chemical and sensory characteristics of three different functional Ohrid trout patest. International Journal of Food Technology and Nutrition, 5 (9-10). pp. 103-108. ISSN 2671 – 3071
Stojanovska, Tanja and Kalevska, Tatjana and Nikolovska Nedelkoska, Daniela and Pavlovska, Gorica (2022) Formulation, production and determination of physical-chemical and sensory characteristics of three different functional ohrid trout pâtés. In: International Congress on Natural, Health Sciences and Technology, Tetovо, Republic of North Macedonia.
Tahiri, Alberta and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Sustainable tourism as a potential for promotion of regional heritage, local food, traditions, and diversity - Case of Kosovo. MDPI-Sustainability, 14.