Items where Author is "Rajkovcevski, Rade"

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Number of items: 43.


Birdi, Kamal and Griffiths, Kerry and Turgoosea, Christine and Alsina, Victòria and Andrei, Daniela and Băban, Adriana and Bayerl P., Saskia and Bisogni, Fabio and Chirică, Sofia and Costanzo, Pietro and Fernández, Charlotte and Ficet, Joël and Gascó, Mila and Gruschinske, Mario and Horton, Kate and Jacobs, Gabriele and Jochoms, Theo and Krstevska, Katerina and Mirceva, Stojanka and Mouhanna, Christian and van den Oord, Ad and Oțoiu, Cătălina and Rajkovcevski, Rade and Rațiu, Lucia and Reguli, Zdenko and Rus, Claudia and Stein-Müller, Susanne and Stojanovski, Trpe and Vallet, Nathalie and Varga, Mihai and Vít, Michal and Vonaș, Gabriel (2021) FACTORS INFLUENCING CROSS-BORDER KNOWLEDGE SHARING BY POLICE ORGANISATIONS: AN INTEGRATION OF TEN EUROPEAN CASE STUDIES. Police Practice and Research - An International Journal, 22 (1). pp. 3-22. ISSN Print ISSN: 1561-4263 Online ISSN: 1477-271X

Gjurovski, Marjan and Rajkovcevski, Rade (2019) Refugee Crisis: Security Challenges for Macedonia and the Region. South East European Journal of Sustainable Development, 2 (2). pp. 89-95. ISSN 2545-4471

Griffiths, Kerry and Birdi, Kamal and Alsina, Victòria and Andrei, Daniela and Baban, Adriana and Bayerl, Saskia and Bisogni, Fabio and Chirica, Sofia and Costanzo, Pietro and Gascó, Mila and Gruschinske, Mario and Horton, Kate and Jacobs, Gabriele and Jochoms, Theo and Krstevska Savovska, Katerina and Mirceva, Stojanka and Mouhanna, Christian and van den Oord, Ad and Otoiu, Catalina and Rajkovcevski, Rade and Ratiu, Lucia and Reguli, Zdenko (2016) Knowledge Sharing Practices and Issues in Policing. A Systematic Review of the Literature. European Journal of Policing Studies, 3 (3). pp. 267-291. ISSN 2034-760X

Ivanovski, Jonche and Rajkovcevski, Rade (2015) Testing the police model for the handling and use of firearms against non-police subjects. International Journal of Police Science & Management, 17 (1). pp. 17-22. ISSN 1478-1603

Stojanovski, Trpe and Mirceva, Stojanka and Krstevska Savovska, Katerina and Rajkovcevski, Rade and Jakimovski, Toni and Stojanovski, Aleksandar (2014) Regional Police Cooperation Through the MARRI Projects. Police Chief Magazine (81). ISSN 0032-2571

van den Born, Arjan and van Witteloostuijn, Arjen and Barlage, Melody and Sapulete, Saraï and van den Oord, Ad and Rogiest, Sofie and Vallet, Nathalie and Reguli, Zdenko and Vít, Michal and Mouhanna, Christian and Cassan, Damien and Binder, Henriette and Blumenthal, Vivian and Christe-Zeyse, Jochen and Giljohann, Stefani and Gruschinske, Mario and Hartwig, Pautz and Stein-Müller, Susanne and Bisogni, Fabio and Costanzo, Pietro and Stojanovski, Trpe and Mirceva, Stojanka and Krstevska, Katerina and Rajkovcevski, Rade and Stamenova, Mila and Bayerl P., Saskia and Horton, Kate and Jacobs, Gabriele and Vogel, Gert and Jochoms, Theo and Andrei, Daniela and Băban, Adriana and Chirica, Sofia and Oțoiu, Cătălina and Rațiu, Lucia and Rus, Claudia and Varga, Mihai and Vonaș, Gabriel and Alsina, Victòria and Gascó, Mila and Allen, Kerry and Birdi, Kamal and Betteridge, Kathryn and Rebecca, Casey and Graham, Leslie and Polos, László (2013) Policing opportunities and threats in Europe. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 26 (5). pp. 811-829. ISSN 0953-4814

Bayerl P., Saskia and Jacobs, Gabriele and Denef, Sebastian and J. van den Berg, Roelof and Kaptein, Nico and Birdi, Kamal and Bisogni, Fabio and Cassan, Damien and Costanzo, Pietro and Gascó, Mila and Horton, Kate and Jochoms, Theo and Mirceva, Stojanka and Krstevska, Katerina and van den Oord, Ad and Oțoiu, Cătălina and Rajkovcevski, Rade and Reguli, Zdenko and Rogiest, Sofie and Stojanovski, Trpe and Vít, Michal and Vonaș, Gabriel (2013) The role of macro context for the link between technological and organizational change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 26 (5). pp. 793-810. ISSN 0953-4814

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2011) Implications of the Ohrid Framework Agreement on Police Work - A Decade after Its Signing. Political Thought, 9 (34). pp. 81-88. ISSN 1409-9853

Rajkovcevski, Rade and Kirkovski, Dimitar (2011) Dimensioni Rajonal i pjesëmarrjes në misionet jashtë vendit [Regional Dimension of Participation into Missions Abroad], in Albanian. European and Security Affairs (20). pp. 82-94.

Rajkovcevski, Rade and Kirkovski, Dimitar (2011) Regional Dimension of Participation in Missions Abroad. Analytical Journal, 4 (1). pp. 49-59. ISSN 1857 – 6559

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2010) „Современиот идентитет на Западниот Балкан трансформиран во активна регионална безбедносна соработка [The Modern Identity of Western Balkans Transformed into an Active Regional Security Cooperation]”, in Macedonian. Political Thought, 8 (31). pp. 81-89. ISSN 1409-9853

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2010) Integration of Euro-Atlantic Norms and Values: Changes in the Military Culture of the Balkans. Connections, 10 (1). pp. 121-137. ISSN 1812-1098

Book Section

Pelivanova, Natasa and Rajkovcevski, Rade (2022) Education in Security Studies: Experiences with the Study Program of Security at the Faculty of Security – Skopje. In: 45 Years Higher Education in The Area of Security – Educational Challenges and Security Perspectives. Faculty of Security-Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia, pp. 29-38. ISBN 2671-3624

Rajkovcevski, Rade and Dimovska, Elena (2019) Scenario on Border Security. In: Black Swan Events on NATO’s Eastern Flank. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics, 143 . IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 44-46. ISBN 978-1-61499-945-4-44

Rajkovcevski, Rade and Dimovska, Elena (2019) Scenario on Counter-Terrorism. In: Black Swan Events on NATO’s Eastern Flank. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics, 143 . IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 41-43. ISBN 978-1-61499-945-4

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2017) Migrant and Refugee Crisis in Europe: Challenges, Experiences and Lessons Learnt in the Balkans. In: International Conference Risks, Security and Citizenship. Municipality of Setubal, Setubal, Portugal, pp. 178-188. ISBN 978-972-9016-53-0

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2017) Emergency Management Capacities at Local Level: Challenges and Requirements According to the Sendai Framework. In: Security Concepts and Policies - New Generation of Risks and Threats. Faculty of Security-Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia, pp. 168-175. ISBN 978-608-4828-05-1

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2016) Security Policy of the Republic of Macedonia: Between Security Threats and Political Capacities. In: Macedonia 2013: 100 years after the Treaty of Bucharest, International Conference Proceedings. Legas, Ottawa, Canada. ISBN 9781897493601

Rajkovcevski, Rade and Kirkovski, Dimitar (2015) Macedonian Membership in NATO: From a Clear Perspective to an Uncertain Anticipation. In: NEWCOMERS NO MORE? Contemporary NATO and the Future of the Enlargement from the Perspective of ''Post-Cold War'' Members. International Relations Research Institute, Warsaw – Brussels – Prague, pp. 247-259. ISBN 978-83-62784-04-2

Kirkovski, Dimitar and Rajkovcevski, Rade (2015) Security Science Paradigms in the Time of Expanded Approach to Security: When to Start and When to Finish a Security Sector Reform in a Conflict/Postconflict Society? In: Researching Security: Approaches, Concepts and Policies. Faculty of Security-Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia, pp. 173-186. ISBN 978-608-4532-82-8

Batkovski, Tome and Rajkovcevski, Rade (2014) Psychological Profile and Types of Leaders of Terrorist Structures – Generic Views and Experiences from the Activities of Illegal Groups and Organizations in the Republic of Macedonia. In: Perseverance of Terrorism: Focus on Leaders. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics, 117 . IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 84-102. ISBN 978-1-61499-387-2-84

Mirceva, Stojanka and Rajkovcevski, Rade (2013) Policing in the Republic of Macedonia. In: Handbook on Policing in Central and Eastern Europe. Springer Publishing, New York, pp. 143-168. ISBN 978-1-4614-6720-5

Kirkovski, Dimitar and Rajkovcevski, Rade (2013) Sustainability of the Status Quo and Inviolability of the Balkan State Borders Conflict Prevention or Prolonging of the Instability in the Region. In: The Balkans Between Past and Future: Security, Conflict Resolution and Euro-Atlantic Integration. Faculty of Security-Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia, pp. 26-38. ISBN 978-608-4532-36-1

Rajkovcevski, Rade and Stojanovski, Trpe and Mirceva, Stojanka and Krstevska, Katerina (2012) Implementation of the Schengen Action Plan. In: Best Practices in European Policing: A Selection of Case Studies. Durham University, Durham, UK, pp. 67-78.

Rajkovcevski, Rade and Mirceva, Stojanka (2012) Position of Police Sciences within the System of Sciences. In: Security and Euro-Atlantic Perspectives of the Balkans, Police Science and Police Profession (States and Perspectives), International Scientific Conference Proceedings. Faculty of Security-Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia, pp. 323-336. ISBN 978-608-4532-27-9

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2010) „Влијанието на „моќта на државата“ во реализацијата на целите на безбедносната политика на Република Македонија [The Impact of “Power of State” in Achieving the Objectives of the Security Policy of the Republic of Macedonia]”, in Macedonian. In: Annual Proceedings of the Faculty of Security. Faculty of Security-Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia, pp. 103-111. ISBN 987-608-4532-10-1

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2009) „Концептот на човековата безбедност во современото општество [The Concept of Human Security in the Contemporary Society]”, in Macedonian. In: Annual Proceedings of the Faculty of Security. Faculty of Security-Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia, pp. 258-272.

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2008) „Поврзаноста на организираниот криминал, корупцијата и перењето пари [Relationship between Organized Crime, Corruption and Money Laundering]”, in Macedonian. In: Almanac of the first-generation students on postgraduate studies of the Faculty of Security (former Police Academy). Faculty of Security-Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia, pp. 239-253.

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2008) Security Culture as a Part of National and NATO Security Systems. In: Yearbook REACT 2008. ALPHA Centre, Niksic, Montenegro, pp. 86-93.

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2008) „Безбедносната култура како составен дел од безбедносните системи [Security Culture as а Part of the Security Systems]”, in Macedonian. In: Annual Proceedings of the Police Academy. Police Academy, Skopje, Macedonia, pp. 397-409.

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2007) „Формирање и градење на идентитетот на граничната полиција [Constitution and Establishment of the Border Police Identity]”, in Macedonian. In: Annual Proceedings of the Police Academy. Police Academy, Skopje, Macedonia, pp. 374-384.


Kozakou, Eliza and Cam, Zélie and Barthel, Martin and Rojek, Elżbieta and Herceg Kolman, Nikolina and Salvati, Federico and Bandov, Goran and Gerasimoski, Saše and Rajkovcevski, Rade and Trajkovska, Vesna and Stojanovski, Aleksandar and Gjorgjievski, Martin and Diallo, Garba and Söyünmez, Anja and Altıntaş, Volkan and Kolman, Igor and Zakrevska, Svetlana (2022) European Peacebuilder – Dialogue in Adult Education Handbook. Manual. Comparative Research Network e.V., Berlin, Germany.

Rajkovcevski, Rade and Dorevski, Zoran (2019) LOCAL ADAPTATION STRATEGY PLAN for the City of Skopje: Resilience Climate Change Adaptation Plan. Project Report. City of Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia.

Rajkovcevski, Rade and Dorevski, Zoran (2019) ЛОКАЛЕН СТРАТЕГИСКИ ПЛАН за прилагодување на градот Скопје: План за отпорност за прилагодување на климатските промени [LOCAL ADAPTATION STRATEGY PLAN for the City of Skopje: Resilience Climate Change Adaptation Plan], in Macedonian. Project Report. City of Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia.

Rajkovcevski, Rade and Mirceva, Stojanka and Gogov, Bogdanco (2016) ПРЕПОРАКИ за Градот Скопје произлезени од проектот АХЕЛУС и од спроведувањето на вежбата „ВАРДАР 2015“ за справување со поплави во урбана зона на територијата на градот [RECOMMENDATIONS for the City of Skopje Derived from the ACHELOUS Project and the Implementation of the Exercise "VARDAR 2015" for Dealing with Floods in an Urban Zone on the Territory of the City]. Technical Report. City of Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Birdi, Kamal and Allen, Kerry and Turgoose, Christine and Macdonald, Ian and Vossing, Julia and van den Oord, Ad and Rogiest, Sofie and Vallet, Nathalie and Reguli, Zdenko and Vít, Michal and Mouhanna, Christian and Ficet, Joël and Christe-Zeyse, Jochen and Gruschinske, Mario and Hirschmann, Nathalie and Stein-Müller, Susanne and Bisogni, Fabio and Stojanovski, Trpe and Mirceva, Stojanka and Krstevska, Katerina and Rajkovcevski, Rade and Bayerl P., Saskia and Horton, Kate and Jacobs, Gabriele and Bruggeling, Marjolijn and Jochoms, Theo and Sollie, Henk and Rus, Claudia and Rațiu, Lucia and Oțoiu, Cătălina and Vonaș, Gabriel and Andrei, Daniela and Băban, Andriana and Gascó, Mila and Fernández, Charlotte and Alsina, Victòria (2012) Police Knowledge Sharing Capabilities. Project Report. University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Denef, Sebastian and Kaptein, Nico and S. Bayerl, Petra and Birdi, Kamal and Bisogni, Fabio and Cassan, Damien and Christe-Zeyse, Jochen and Costanzo, Pietro and Gascó, Mila and Horton, Kate and Jacobs, Gabriele and Jochoms, Theo and Krstevska, Katerina and Mirceva, Stojanka and van den Oord, Ad and Oțoiu, Cătălina and Rajkovcevski, Rade and Reguli, Zdenko and Stojanovski, Trpe and Vonaș, Gabriel (2011) ICT Trends in European Policing. Project Report. Erasmus-University, Report of work package from EU FP7 funded project “COMPOSITE – Comparative Police Studies in the EU”, Rotterdam, Netherlands..

Conference or Workshop Item



Mojanoski, Cane and Nikolovski, Marjan and Stefanovska, Vesna and Mojsoska, Snezana and Dujovski, Nikola and Todorovski, Ljupco and Rajkovcevski, Rade (2015) RESEARCHING SECURITY - APPROACHES, CONCEPTS AND POLICIES BOOK OF ABSTRACTS 2015. Faculty of Security - Skopje, Skopje. ISBN 978-608-4532-62-0

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2014) Ndërtimi i politikës së sigurisë: rasti i Republikes së Maqedonisë [Security Policy Building: The Case of the Republic of Macedonia], in Albanian. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - Macedonia Office & Faculty of Security-Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia. ISBN 978-608-4532-40-8

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2014) Градење безбедносна политика: случајот на Република Македонија [Security Policy Building: The Case of the Republic of Macedonia], in Macedonian. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung - Macedonia Office & Faculty of Security-Skopje, Skopje, Macedonia. ISBN 978-608-4532-39-2


Rajkovcevski, Rade (2013) Развој и перспективи на меѓународната полициска соработка во Европа. Doctoral thesis, University "St.Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola.

Rajkovcevski, Rade (2013) Развој и перспектива на меѓународната полициска соработка во Европа. Doctoral thesis, University "St.Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola.

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