Items where Subject is "Materials engineering"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 122.


Al-Hilifi, Sawsan and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Ginger Essential Oil as an Active Addition to Composite Chitosan Films: Development and Characterization. MDPI-Gels, 8 (6). p. 327.

Al-Hilifi, Sawsan and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Physicochemical, Morphological and Functional Characterization of Edible Anthocyanin-Enriched Aloe Vera Coatings on Fresh Figs (Ficus carica L.). MDPI-Gels, 8.

Aziri, Zejnelabedin and Hristovska, Elizabeta and Angelevski, Zore and Kuzmanov, Ivo and Pasic, Roberto and Jovanovska, Vangelica (2021) The verification of a redesigned part of a telescopic hydraulic cylinder based on finite element analysis. IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), 18 (1). pp. 31-41. ISSN 2278-1684

Colović, B. and Kisic, D. and Jokanovic, B. and Rakocevic, Z. and Nasov, I. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Jokanovic, V. (2019) Wetting properties of titanium oxides, oxynitrides and nitrides obtained by DC and pulsed magnetron sputtering and cathodic arc evaporation. Materials Science-Poland, 37 (2). 173-`181.

Daniloski, Davor and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2021) Active edible packaging based on milk proteins: A route to carry and deliver nutraceuticals. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 111. pp. 688-705.

Jokanovic, V. and Colović, B. and Bundaleski, N. and Jokanović, M. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Ferrara, M. and Nasov, I. (2018) TixOy thin films with extremely low extinction coefficients obtained by pulsed magnetron sputtering. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, 20 (3/4). pp. 169-174. ISSN 1454-4164

Jokanovic, V. and Colović, B. and Jokanovic, B. and Stojadinović, S. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Nasov, I. (2016) Plasmonic metamaterials based on titanium oxides. Protection of materials.

Jokanovic, V. and Colović, B. and Nenadovic, M. and Mitric, M. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Jokanović, B. and Nasov, I. (2016) Ultra-high and near-zero refractive indices of magnetron sputtered thin-film metamaterials based on TixOy. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering.

Jokanovic, V. and Colović, B. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Markovic, A. and Nenadovic, M. and Ferrara, M. and Nasov, I. (2017) Optical properties of titanium oxide films obtained by cathodic arc plasma deposition. Optical Engineering.

Koraqi, Hyrije and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2023) Optimization of experimental conditions for bioactive compounds recovery from raspberry fruits (Rubus idaeus L.) by using combinations of ultrasound-assisted extraction and deep eutectic solvents. Applied Food Research, 3 (2). p. 100346.

Kosc, T.Z. and Coon, C.J. and Babcock, G.V. and Marshall, K.L. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Jacobs, S.D. (2006) Exploring Motion Reversal in Polymer Cholesteric-Liquid-Crystal Devices. Liquid Crystals X.

Kosc, T.Z. and Marshall, K.L. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Coon, C.J and Hasman, K. and Babcock, G.V. and Howe, R. and Leitch, M. and Jacobs, S.D. (2007) Development of Polymer Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Flake Technology for Electro-Optic Devices and Particle Displays. Emerging Liquid Crystal Technologies II.

Kosc, T.Z. and Marshall, K.L. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Kimball, E. and Jacobs, S.D. (2004) Progress in the Development of Polymer Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Flakes for Display Applications. Displays.

Kosc, T.Z. and Marshall, K.L. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Varshneya, R. and Jacobs, S.D. (2004) Development of Polymer Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Flakes for Electro-Optic Applications. Optics & Photonics News.

Kumar, Nishant and Neeraj, N and Pratbha, P and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2021) Improved Shelf Life and Quality of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) by Using Chitosan-Pullulan Composite Edible Coating Enriched with Pomegranate Peel Extract. ACS Food science and technology.

Kumar, Nishant and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Extending the shelf life of mango (Mangifera indica L.) fruits by using edible coating based on xanthan gum and pomegranate peel extract. Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization.

Kumar, Nishant and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Pomegranate peel extract - a natural bioactive addition to novel active edible packaging. Food Research International, 156.

Lin, C-J and Yates, M.Z. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Jacobs, S.D. (2004) Electric Field Driven Assembly of Oriented Molecular Sieve Films. Adv. Mater..

Marshall, K.L. and Kimball, E. and McNamara, S. and Kosc, T.Z. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Jacobs, S.D. (2004) Electro-optical behavior of polymer cholesteric liquid crystal flake/fluid suspensions in a microencapsulation matrix. Liquid Crystals VIII.

Marshall, K.L. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Hasman, K. and Leitch, M. and Cox, G. and Kosc, T.Z. and Jacobs, S.D. (2007) Doped Multilayer Polymer Cholesteric-Liquid-Crystal (PCLC) Flakes: A Novel Electro-Optical Medium for Highly Reflective Color Flexible Displays. SID (Society for Information) 07 Digest.

Marshall, K.L. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Hasman, K. and Leitch, M. and Cox, G. and Kosc, T.Z. and Jacobs, S.D. (2007) Polymer Cholesteric Liquid Crystal (PCLC) Flake / Fluid Host Electro-Optical Suspensions and Their Applications in Flexible Reflective Displays. The Proceedings of The International Display Manufacturing Conference.

Marshall, K.L. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Kosc, T.Z. and Jacobs, S.D. (2006) Polymer Cholesteric Liquid Crystal (PCLC) Flake/Fluid Host Electro-Optical Suspensions: Progress Toward Flexible Reflective Displays. USDC Flexible Microelectronics and Displays Conference.

Nasov, I. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2014) Solar energy in architecture - novel facade collectors. Tehnika 68.

Popovska-Pavlovska, F. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Trajkovska, A. and Gavrilov, T. (2000) Behaviour of VPVC/RPVC Blends. Macromol. Symp..

Popovska-Vasilevska, Sanja and Stavreva, Sevde (2023) North Macedonia – Country Update 2022. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2023. (In Press)

Prasad, Jaishankar and Dixit, Aishwarya and P. Sharma, Sujata and W. Mwakosya, Anjelina and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Upadhyay, Ashutosh and Kumar, Nishant (2024) Nanoemulsion-based active packaging for food products. Foods and Raw Materials, 12 (1). pp. 22-36. ISSN ISSN 2310-9599 (In Press)

Rao, VT and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Life Cycle Analysis of Thin-Film Photovoltaic Thermal Systems for Different Tropical Regions. MDPI-Sustainability, 14.

Risteska, S. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Stefanovska, M. and Trajkovska, A. and Samakoski, B. (2015) Design of experiment on final resin mass fraction in composite. TTEM.

Risteska, Svetlana and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Samak, Samoil and Drienovsky, Marian (2020) Annealing Effects on the Crystallinity of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced PEEK and PPS laminate composites manufactured by Laser automatic tape placement. Materials Science. ISSN ISSN: 2029–7289 (In Press)

Smileski, Rose and Popovski, Orce and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2000) Почитувањето на сигурносните растојанија во текот на транспортот на експлозивните материи како услов за максимална безбедност на патиштата. Зборник на трудови „Сообраќај и комуникации 2000, стратегиски правци за развој“ од Симпозиум на сојузот на сообраќајните инженери на Македонија и Министерството за сообраќај и врски на Р. Македонија.

Smileski, Rose and Popovski, Orce and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2000) Хроматографско определување на содржината на стабилизаторот во потисните експлозивни материи. Современа македонска одбрана.

Smileski, Rose and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Popovski, Orce (2000) Испитување на хемиската стабилност на потисните експлозивни материи со помош на течна хроматографија. Годишник на факултетот за безбедност. ISSN 1409-5068

Smileski, Rose and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Popovski, Orce (2002) Хроматографско испитување на амонимумнитратните експлозиви кои се употребуваат во стопанството. Современа македонска одбрана.

Stefanov, Mile and Smileski, Rose and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2003) Производство и примена на експлозивна материја АН-ФО МАК-1. III Советување за дупчење и минирање со меѓународно учество. pp. 381-392.


Trajkovska Petkoska, Anka (2024) Chemical, rheological and sensory characteristics of wheat bread enriched with chia (Salvia hispanica L.) seed gum. Future Foods, 10 (100471).

Trajkovska-Broach, A. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2014) Smart Topographies Created by Soft Lithography: Anti-Fouling and Self-Cleaning Engineered Surfaces. IJERT.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2023) Assessment of the Attenuation Properties of Commercial Lead-Free Radiation-Shielding Composite Materials Against Medical X-rays. Journal of Composites Science, 7 (10). p. 424.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2024) Impact of Cu and Ce on the Electrochemical, Antibacterial, and Wear Properties of 316L Stainless Steel: Insights for Biomedical Applications. Materials Today Communications, 40 (109442).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2024) Optimization of extraction condition to improve blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.) polyphenols, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity by natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES) using the simplex lattice mixture design method. Microchemical Journal, 200 (110497).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2023) Optimization of the Extraction Conditions of Antioxidant Phenolic Compounds from Strawberry Fruits (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) Using Response Surface Methodology. Food Analytical Methods, 16. pp. 1030-1042.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2023) Optimization of the extraction conditions of antioxidant phenolic compounds from strawberries fruits (Fragaria x Ananassa Duch.) using response surface methodology. Food Anal. Methods.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2023) Recent Trends in Edible Packaging for Food Applications — Perspective for the Future. Food Engineering Reviews.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Samakoski, B. (2024) Towpreg—An Advanced Composite Material with a Potential for Pressurized Hydrogen Storage Vessels. Journal of Composites Science, 8 (9).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2020) Advances in active packaging: perspectives in packaging of meat and dairy products. Adv. Mater. Lett., 11 (5).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2021) Can We Solve the Problem of Global Syndemic? Mediterranean Diet as a Potential Solution. Acta Scientific Nutritional Health, 5 (2).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2021) Chitosan Edible Films Enhanced with Pomegranate Peel Extract: Study on Physical, Biological, Thermal, and Barrier Properties. Materials, 14 (3305).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2021) Edible Packaging: Sustainable Solutions and Novel Trends in Food Packaging. Food Research International, 140 (109981).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2021) Effect of Chitosan–Pullulan Composite Edible Coating Functionalized with Pomegranate Peel Extract on the Shelf Life of Mango (Mangifera indica). Coatings, 11 (764).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2020) Film formation and deposition methods of edible coating on food products: A review. Food Research International, 136 (109582).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2015) Inorganic dopants in polymer cholesteric liquid crystals. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2011) Manufacturing and characterization of flakes by soft lithography technique. Proceedings of 34th International Conference on Production Engineering, University.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2008) Motion of doped polymer cholesteric liquid crystal flakes in a direct-current electric field. J. Appl. Phys.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2016) Nanocoatings - designed layers for solar thermal applications. Protection of materials.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2014) Novel Type of Facade Window Collector-Double Benefits: Good Architectural Appearance of Facade and Solving the Problems of Long Term Stability / Efficiency. Energy Procedia.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2008) Polymer cholesteric liquid crystal flakes as a novel particle form for electronic paper application,. XX Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2015) Soft Lithography: Part 2: Tailored Polymer Cholesteric Liquid Crystalline Particles. TTEM.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2014) Surface engineering of polymers. Protection of materials.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2012) Technology for valorization of wool and textile waste. CeProSard brochure (Macedonia).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2014) The role of conductive dopants in polymer cholesteric liquid crystals. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Jacobs, S. (2008) Effect of different dopants on polymer cholesteric liquid crystal properties. Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst..

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Jacobs, S. (2012) The Manufacture, characterization, and manipulation of polymer cholеsteric liquid crystal flakes and their possible applications. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering (A&B).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Nasov, I. (2014) Designed coatings on food industry equipment - a good practice for food safety. Journal of Hygienic Engineering Design.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Trajkovska, A. (2014) What is above intelligence and education? Journal of Process Management – New Technologies (JPMNET)-special edition.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Trajkovska-Broach, A. (2020) Mediterranean Diet: A Nutrient-Packed Diet and a Healthy Lifestyle for a Sustainable World. Wiley.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Trajkovska-Broach, A. (2015) Soft Lithography: Part 1: Anti-fouling and self-cleaning topographies. TTEM, 10(1).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Trajkovska-Broach, Anita (2021) Mediterranean Way of Living as an Optimal Lifestyle and a Dietary Pattern for Healthy Gut and Strong Immunity. EC Nutrition, 16 (1).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Varshneya, R. and Kosc, T.Z. and Marshall, K.L. and Jacobs, S.D. (2005) Enhanced Electro-Optic Behavior for Shaped Polymer Cholesteric Liquid Crystal (PCLC) Flakes Made by Soft Lithography. Adv. Funct. Mater..

Book Section

UNSPECIFIED (2023) Whey Protein Based Edible Coatings: Recent Trends. In: Kumar, Nishant and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka, (eds.) Whey Valorization: Innovations, Technological Advancements and Sustainable Exploitation. Springer Nature. (In Press)

Kumar, Nishant and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Applications of Edible Packaging for the Preservation of Mushrooms. In: Food Packaging: Safety, Management and Quality. Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 979-8-88697-249-8

Kumar, Nishant and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2023) Utilization of Whey: Sustainable Trends and Future Developments. In: Whey Valorization: Innovations, Technological Advancements and Sustainable Exploitation. Springer Nature. ISBN Whey Valorization: Innovations, Technological Advancements and Sustainable Exploitation. (In Press)

Kumar, Nishant and Pratibha, Pratibha and Neeraj, Neeraj and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Applications of Edible Packaging for Preservation of Mushrooms. In: Food Packaging: Safety, Management and Quality. Nova Science Publishers Inc. ISBN 979-8-88697-249-8

Kumar, Nishant and Pratibha, Pratibha and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Singla, Mohit (2022) Natural Gums for Fruits and Vegetables Preservation: A Review. In: Gums, Resins and Latexes of Plant Origin. Reference Series in Phytochemistry. Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-91379-3.

Samakoski, B. and Dukovski, V. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Samak, S. (2010) Automated Production of High Performance Composites. In: Innovative Production Systems-Key to Future Intelligent Manufacturing (chapter 9). University of Maribor / St Cyril and Methodius University-Skopje, 2010.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2024) Bionanocomposites in food packaging and preservation. In: Sustainable Materials for Food Packaging and Preservation. Elsevier, p. 149.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2024) Bionanocomposites in food packaging and preservation. In: Sustainable Materials for Food Packaging and Preservation. Elsevier, pp. 149-170. ISBN 978-0-443-13567-5

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2023) Effect of Natural Materials on Thermal Properties of Food Packaging Film: An Overview. In: Natural Materials for Food Packaging Applications. Wiley‐VCH GmbH. ISBN ISBN: 9783527350407

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2023) Effect of Natural Materials on Thermal Properties of Food Packaging Film: An Overview. In: Natural Materials for Food Packaging Applications. Wiley‐VCH GmbH. ISBN ISBN: 9783527350407

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2023) Nutritional Values and Therapeutical Effects of Mediterranean Herbs, Spices and Medicinal Plants. In: Herbs and Spices - New Advances. IntechOpen, ISBN ISBN 978-1-83768-475-5

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2023) Whey Protein Based Edible Coatings: Recent Trends. In: Whey Utilization. Springer, pp. 187-209.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2021) Active Edible Packaging: A Sustainable Way to Deliver Functional Bioactive Compounds and Nutraceuticals. In: Sustainable Packaging. Springer.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2021) Biobased Materials as a Sustainable Potential for Edible Packaging. In: Sustainable Packaging. Springer.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2011) Polymer cholesteric liquid crystal flakes as new candidates for display and sensor applications. In: NATO Science for Peace and Security Series-B: Physics and Biophysics (chapter 34): Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors. Springer, 2011.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Trajkovska-Broach, A. (2021) Health Benefits of EVOO. In: Olive Oil - New Perspectives and Applications. IntechOpen.


Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2008) Polymer Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Flakes – Their Electro Optic Behaviour for Potential E-Paper Application. Other. Verlag Dr. Muller (VDM), Germany.

Conference or Workshop Item

Daniloski, D. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2020) Cacti as a potential functional food candidate and a protective agent against chronic diseases. In: 44th Nutrition Society of Australia (NSA) Annual Scientific Meeting.

Divitarova, Evgenija and Bocevska, Andrijana (2024) Design and Development of Laser Engraving Machine. In: 14th International conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies (AIIT2024), 8 November, 2024, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

Nasov, I. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2013) Novel type of façade-window solar thermal collector. In: SB13 GRAZ, Sustainable building conference, 2013, TU Graz, Austria.

Pavlovska, Gorica and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2022) Stabilization of sunflower oil by adding garden savory (Satureja Hortensis). In: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Production and Processing, October, 2022, Serbia.

Popovski, Orce and Smileski, Rose and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (1999) Детекција на Циклотриметилентринитроамин и 1-метил-2,4,6-тринитробензен (ТНТ) со помош на течна хроматографија. In: Конгрес на хемичарите и технолозите, со меѓународно учество, 1999, Скопје.

Samakoski, B. and Dukovski, V. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Samak, S. (2010) Integrated Production Technology and Process Development for Automated Composites Production. In: 3rd International Conference Advanced Composite Materials Engineering, COMAT 2010, 2010, Brasov, Romania.

Smileski, Rose and Popovski, Orce and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2000) Хроматографско испитување на амонимуннитрат и тринитротолуен во бризантните експлозивни материи кои се употребуваат во стопанството. In: II. Советување за дупчење и минирање, со меѓународно учество, 2000, Охрид, Македонија.

Smileski, Rose and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2001) Ispitivanje hemijske stabilnosti baruta metodom tecne hromatografija. In: XXI Simpozium o eksplozivnim materijama, Jugoslovenski komitet za eksplozivne materije, 2001, Tara (Serbia).

Stefanov, Mile and Smileski, Rose and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2002) Техника и технологија за производство на експлозивна материја „АН-ФО МАК-1“ и негова масовна примена во рудниците за примарни минирања на метали и неметали. In: Прв симпозиум од областа на експлозивните материи, вооружувањето и воената технологија, 2002, Охрид.

Trajkovska-Broach, A. and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2014) What is above intelligence and education? In: International Scientific Conference - Knowledge Capital of the Future, 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2014) Barrier properties of PVD inorganic nano-coated soy-protein-isolate (SPI) film. In: Workshop - 2 EU FP7 projects: Nanobarrier and Dibbiopack, 2014, Frankfurt (Germany).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2014) Development of Injection and Blow extrusion molded Biodegradable and Multifunctional Packages by Nanotechnology, Film Extrusion Technology optimisation and development of biodegradable barrier coatings. In: Workshop for 2 EU FP7 projects: Nanobarrier and Dibbiopack, 2014, Frankfurt (Germany).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka Dibbiopack - multifunctional active packaging for food, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. In: Global challenges and opportunities – future perspectives of developing countries, May 2016, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2014) Environmental, Health and Safety Assessment of the developed products. In: Workshop - 2 EU FP7 projects: Nanobarrier and Dibbiopack, 2014, Frankfurt (Germany).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2019) Improved Efficiency of PVT Collector. In: 5th Intl. Symp. on New and Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, sips 2019_293, SIPS2019 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit, October 2019, Paphos, Cyprus.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2020) Mediterranean Diet: Healthy Diet and Sustainable Lifestyle. In: International Conference AgroFood. (In Press)

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2012) Nanocomposites - challenges and future expectations. In: ACMS - Automation in Composites Manufacturing Seminar, Institute for Advanced Composites and Robotics, 2012, Prilep (Macedonia).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2013) Novel Type of Facade Window Collector-Double Benefits: Good Architectural Appearance of Facade and Solving the Problems of Long Term Stability / Efficiency. In: SHC 2013 Conference, 2013, Freiburg, Germany.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2010) Polymer cholesteric liquid crystal flakes as new candidates for display and sensor applications. In: NATO ASI: Nanotechnological Basis for Advanced Sensors, 2010, Sozopol, Bulgaria.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2015) Smart designs with multifunctional coatings on different materials. In: Proceedings of 3rd International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNT2015), July 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2014) Surface engineering of polymers. In: ICIT &MPT 2014 Conference, 2014, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Kosc, T. Z. and Marshall, K. L. and Jacobs, S. D. (2007) Electro-optics of polymer cholesteric liquid crystal flakes: applications toward electronic paper. In: 9th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, July 2, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Trajkovska-Broach, A. (2017) Antioxidant topical formulations for skin protection from violet-blue high energy visible light. In: 10th Annual Life Science Forum of South West Virginia, March 2017, VirginiaTech Campus, Blacksburg, VA (USA).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Trajkovska-Broach, A. (2015) Smart surfaces created by soft lithography. In: Proceedings of 3rd International Congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNT2015), July 2015, Istanbul, Turkey.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Trajkovska-Broach, A. and Samakoski, B. and Dukovski, V. and Sokolovski, Z. (2010) Hybrid Glass-reinforced thermoplastic roving for CNG tank applications. In: Nanomaterials Conference, 2010, London (UK).

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Trajkovska-Broach, Anita and Kanazawa, T. and Nasov, I. (2017) PVD Deposition of Multilayered Nanocoatings with Potential Antimicrobial Behaviour. In: New and Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, SIPS Mexico, 2017, 2017, Mexico. (Unpublished)

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Trajkovska-Broach, Anita and Petkoska, Anna Maria Agricultural and Industrial Waste Materials as Low-Cost Sorbents for Environmental Pollutants. In: 5th Intl. Symp. on New and Advanced Materials and Technologies for Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development, October 2019, Paphos, Cyprus.

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Trajkovska-Broach, Anita and Petkoska, Anna Maria (2020) Low cost sorbents for environmental pollutants. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dubai, UAE, March 2020, Dubai, UAE.


Bahtovska, Elizabeta (1998) STRENGHT OF MATERIALS I. Faculty of Technical Sciences - Bitola. ISBN ISBN 9989-786-10-0

Poonia, Amrita and Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka (2023) Whey Valorization: Innovations, Technological Advancements and Sustainable Exploitation. Springer Nature. ISBN 978-981-99-5458-2 (In Press)

Trajkovska-Petkoska, Anka and Trajkovska-Broach, A. and Meshko, V. (2017) Oсновни пресметки во анализата и проектирањето во хемиското инженерство. Технолошко-технички факултет-Велес, Универзитет Св. Климент Охридски-Битола (Македонија), учебно помагало во припрема (рецензирана), Скопје 2017.

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