Items where Author is "Stojkov, S."

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Number of items: 18.


Krsteska, Vesna and Dimeska, V. and Stojkov, S. and Stojanoski, P. (2015) Peronospora tabacina A. the causing agent of Blue Mold disease on tobacco. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 21. pp. 132-139. ISSN 1310-0351

Dimeska, V. and Stojkov, S. and Krsteska, Vesna and Gveroska, Biljana (2011) Weeds as host plants to tobacco diseases and pests. Tobacco, 61 (1-6). pp. 68-73. ISSN 0494-3244

Dimeska, V. and Stojkov, S. and Krsteska, Vesna (2009) Ecollogically acceptable herbicides in the control of weeds in tobacco and other field crops. Tobacco, 59 (5-6). pp. 110-117. ISSN 0494-3244

Dimeska, V. and Stojkov, S. and Krsteska, Vesna (2008) Weeds in tobacco culture and application of integral measures for their control. Tobacco, 58 (1-2). pp. 22-26. ISSN 0494-3244

Tashkoski, Petre and Gveroska, Biljana and Stojkov, S. (2007) APPLICATION OF VARIOUS RATES OF ACTIVE INGREDIENT METALAXYL IN THE CONTROL OF BLACK SHANK DISEASE ON TOBACCO. Tobacco, 57 (5-6). pp. 118-128. ISSN 0494-3244

Dimeska, V. and Stojkov, S. and Krsteska, Vesna (2007) Monitoring of the occurrence and spread of blue mold disease in Euro-mediterranean zone. Tobacco, 57 (5-6). pp. 113-117. ISSN 0494-3244

Tashkoski, Petre and Gveroska, Biljana and Stojkov, S. (2007) RESULTS OF FUNGICIDE APPLICATION IN PROTECTION FROM BLUE MOLD DISEASE (Peronospora tabacina Adam) ON TOBACCO. Заштита на растенија, XVIII. pp. 43-46. ISSN 1409-5084

Dimeska, V. and Stojkov, S. and Krsteska, Vesna (2006) Application of up-to-date and ecologically acceptable herbicides for weed control in tobacco crop. Plant Science, XLIII (5). pp. 468-470.

Dimeska, V. and Stojkov, S. and Krsteska, Vesna (2006) Monitoring the pathogenic effect of parasitic fungus Peronospora tabacina A., the causing agent of blue mold disease on tobacco, in R. Macedonia and in the world. Tobacco, 56 (1-2). pp. 17-22. ISSN 0494-3244

Tashkoski, Petre and Gveroska, Biljana and Stojkov, S. (2005) THE EFFECTS OF APLICATION OF METALAXYL-BASED CHEMICALS IN THE CONTROL OF Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae - THE CAUISING AGENT OF BLACK SHANK DISEASE ON TOBACCO. Tobacco, 55 (9-10). pp. 211-220. ISSN 0494-3244

Tashkoski, Petre and Gveroska, Biljana and Stojkov, S. and Miceska, Gordana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav (2005) THE INFLUENCE OF TOXINS OF THE PATHOGEN Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae ON TOBACCO PLANT. Годишен зборник за заштита на растенијата, XVI. pp. 35-46. ISSN 1409-5084

Dimeska, V. and Stojkov, S. and Krsteska, Vesna (2005) Тobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-the causing agent of economically important virosis on tobacco. Tobacco, 55 (7-8). pp. 155-159. ISSN 0494-3244

Tashkoski, Petre and Gveroska, Biljana and Stojkov, S. (2004) EFFECTIVENESS OF SOME FUNGICIDES IN THE CONTROL OF Erysiphe cichoracearum DC - THE CAUSING AGENT OF POWDERY MILDEW DISEASE ON TOBACCO. Годишен зборник за заштита на растенијата, XV (XV). pp. 107-117. ISSN 1409-5084

Tashkoski, Petre and Gveroska, Biljana and Stojkov, S. (2001) APPLICATION OF SOME FUNGICIDES IN REDUCING THE OCCURRENCE OF DAMPING OFF ON TOBACCO SEEDLINGS CAUSED BY Rhizoctonia solani. Tobacco, 51 (3-4). pp. 85-93. ISSN 0494-3244

Tashkoski, Petre and Dimeska, V. and Gveroska, Biljana and Stojkov, S. (2001) POSSIBILITIES FOR PROTECTION OF TOBACCO FROM THE BLACK SHANK DISEASE BY APPLICATION OF SYSTEMIC FUNGICIDES. Tobacco, 51 (7-8). pp. 228-235. ISSN 0494-3244

Conference or Workshop Item

Tashkoski, Petre and Gveroska, Biljana and Stojkov, S. (2005) APPLICATION OF THE ACTIVE INGREDIENT FOSETIL -ALUMINIUM IN BLUE MOLD CONTROL OF TOBACCO. In: I Конгрес за заштита на растенијата во Република Македонија, 28 ноември до 2 декември, 2005, Охрид.

Tashkoski, Petre and Gveroska, Biljana and Stojkov, S. (2005) Investigation of the effectiveness of some fungicides in the control of Peronospora tabacina A and Erysiphe cichoracearum DC in tobacco. In: 60 год. Юубилей на науна конференция с международно участие 60 год. ИТТИ, Пловдив.

Tashkoski, Petre and Gveroska, Biljana and Stojkov, S. (2003) SULTS OF LABORATORY AND FIELD INVESTIGATIONS OF SOME FUNGICIDES IN THE CONTROL OF Phytpohthora parasitica var. nicotianae, THE CAUSING AGENT OF BLACK SHANK DISEASE ON TOBACCO. In: 50 Years University of Forestry, 1-2.04.2003, Sofia, Bulgaria.

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