Бројот и структурата на лицата со интелектуална попреченост во функција на планирањето на образованието и рехабилитацијата на овие лица

Georgievski, Hristo (2017) Бројот и структурата на лицата со интелектуална попреченост во функција на планирањето на образованието и рехабилитацијата на овие лица. Doctoral thesis, University "St.Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola.

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Considering the fact that disability is not only personal, family and scientific but also social problem which is a constant companion of humanity, in the second half of the last century by the UN, UNESCO, UNICEF, WHO and other international organizations, adopted a series of
international norms and standards for persons with disabilities in the form of very important resolutions, declarations, conventions, strategies, standard rules, recommendations indicating the status and rights of these persons.
Macedonia as a welfare state provides social protection and social security of citizens, respecting the principles of international documents. Through the Constitution, laws and
regulations in the state, establishing the main principles of state policy towards people with disabilities by promoting the fundamental values of equality of citizens in rights and freedoms, guaranteeing the right to help disabled and unable to work as a special protection of disabled
persons for their involvement in social life.
Planning activities in the area of education, protection and rehabilitation, the need for reliable indicators on the number and situation of persons with intellectual disabilities in the country. Necessary data to indicate in how many present people with intellectual disabilities,
how many are included in the process of inclusion, if people with intellectual disabilities who are covered by the process of inclusion are categorized whether they are prepared individual education plan it is included a special education teacher in the process of inclusion, whether the
process of inclusion is more covered in class or subject teachers and others.
Also in the research is to examine the attitude of teachers and parents who have children with special educational needs in the process of inclusion.
The results of this survey will be used for the preparation of a national data bank, national registry number and situation of children / persons with intellectual disabilities.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Subjects: Scientific Fields (Frascati) > Social Sciences > Educational sciences
Divisions: Doctoral Dissertations
Depositing User: M-r Bojan Mihajlovski
Date Deposited: 31 Oct 2023 12:49
Last Modified: 31 Oct 2023 12:49
URI: https://eprints.uklo.edu.mk/id/eprint/9066

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