Хибридни закани:Ранливоста на безбедноста и опстанокот на државите од тероризмот, бунтовништвото и организираниот криминал и корупцијасо посебен осврт на Република Македонија

Janev, Kire (2018) Хибридни закани:Ранливоста на безбедноста и опстанокот на државите од тероризмот, бунтовништвото и организираниот криминал и корупцијасо посебен осврт на Република Македонија. Doctoral thesis, University "St.Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola.

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In the 21st century, countries are tackling well with the security threats from other countries.
Even when we had an interstate war in which there was a great difference in the proportion of forces, for example, the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, the international community, with common forces has prevented such behavior from the states. However, another type of threat has become
predominant in the 21st century, and that is hybrid threats which demonstrated the unwillingness of the United Nations and the major forces to deal with them. Thus, the connection of terrorism, insurgence and organized crime has contributed to greatly threatening a large number of people,
countries and larger areas around the world every day. Therefore, more aggressive measures are
needed by the international community to prevent such threats. The Republic of Macedonia, as a young country with fragile democracy, is a fertile soil for
creating conditions for the development of hybrid threats. We can see this from the conflict in 2001, the case of Smiljkovo Lake in 2012, up until the latest developments in Kumanovo in May 2015.
Based on all this, we can conclude that Macedonia should take appropriate measures to combat terrorism, insurgency, organized crime and corruption, such as: formation of special units to combat terrorism and insurgency, appointment of capable and trained management
personnel in all security and defense institutions, establishing strong intelligence services,
depoliticisation of such institutions, vigorous fight against organized crime and corruption in all
echelons of power, modernization of the armed forces, equipping with up-to-date technical means, strengthening the morale of the members of such institutions, promoting cooperation of the competent authorities for dealing with this type of threats, exchange of experiences with
other countries, continuous training of the members of the security, defense and intelligence services, harmonization of the existing laws and regulations in line with international criteria.

Item Type: Thesis (Doctoral)
Subjects: Scientific Fields (Frascati) > Social Sciences > Other social sciences
Divisions: Doctoral Dissertations
Depositing User: M-r Bojan Mihajlovski
Date Deposited: 31 Oct 2023 13:24
Last Modified: 31 Oct 2023 13:24
URI: https://eprints.uklo.edu.mk/id/eprint/8998

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