Productional characteristics of some oriental varieties of basmak tobacco.

Kočoska, Karolina (2014) Productional characteristics of some oriental varieties of basmak tobacco. Tobacco, 64 (7-12). pp. 19-26. ISSN 0494-3244

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Basmak tobacco is included in Macedonian production of oriental tobacco. This type is distinguished by its high quality raw material, typical for the oriental tobaccos, and is highly demanded in world market. Field trials were conducted in Scientific Tobacco Institute - Prilep from 2009 to 2011 with YK 7 - 4/2 as a check (ø) and three Basmak varietiesMK-1, MB-2 and MB-3. The highest values for dry tobacco yield per stalk and per unit area were recorded in MB-3 variety (11.60 g/stalk and 2140 kg/ha). The Basmak varieties showed higher average purchase price and yield per hectare compared to the check. They also achieved higher gross income, the highest value of which was recorded in MB-3 variety (336 075 denars/ha). The aim of the paper is to give a complete view on productional characteristics of investigated Basmak varieties and to enable their easier implementation in mass production of this tobacco type.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: tobacco, variety, Basmak, yield, gross income.
Subjects: Scientific Fields (Frascati) > Agricultural Sciences > Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Divisions: Scientific Tobacco Institute
Depositing User: Ms Biljana Jordanoska
Date Deposited: 03 Nov 2016 14:06
Last Modified: 03 Nov 2016 14:06

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