Applying Jira - A Tool for the Organization and Optimization of Work Processes in the Machine Industry Based on the Experience of the IT Industry

Avramovska, Milica and Hristovska, Elizabeta and Calamani, Sonja (2024) Applying Jira - A Tool for the Organization and Optimization of Work Processes in the Machine Industry Based on the Experience of the IT Industry. SAR Journal.

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This article explores the application of
Jira, which is considered a widely used project
management and issue-tracking tool, in the work
processes of the machine and IT industries. Jira’s
flexibility and adaptability make it a valuable tool for
streamlining workflows, improving collaboration
between employees, and improving overall efficiency in
the dynamic and complex environment of the machine
The article gives a brief overview of the
main Jira’s features, discusses its relevance to the
machine industry. The findings highlight the potential
benefits of integrating Jira into the machine industry
workflows, highlighting its positive impact on project
management and productivity. Jira, a web tool
developed by Atlassian, is extensively used for project
management across different organizations,
significantly enhancing efficiency. This article outlines
Jira’s features, explores its significance in project
management, and showcases real-world examples from
a machine industry firm to demonstrate its practical
utility in organizing work.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Scientific Fields (Frascati) > Natural sciences > Mathematics
Divisions: Faculty of Technical Sciences
Depositing User: Prof. d-r. Sonja Calamani
Date Deposited: 21 Jan 2025 13:39
Last Modified: 21 Jan 2025 13:39

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