Blazhekovikj - Dimovska, Dijana and Dejanovikj, Tatjana (2024) QUALITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OHRID BELVICA (Salmo ohridanus, STEINDACHNER 1892) AND THE ECOLOGICAL HABITAT. International Congress on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Agricultural Sciences (ASMAC). Bayburt-Türkiye. Full Text Book. pp. 295-304.

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Salmo ohridanus (Steindachner1892), also known by the local name as the “Ohrid belvica” is a
species of freshwater salmonid fish, endemic to Ohrid Lake (Macedonia). The main goal of this
research was to determine the qualitative parameters of the Salmo ohridanus and the ecological
habitat. The qualitative parameters of the Salmo ohridanus were established by determining the
chemical composition and energy value of fish meat as well as the microbiological analysis for
the presence of the total number of microorganisms, Salmonella sp., and Listeria monocytogenes.
Additional analyses were made, which include the microbiological analysis of water from Ohrid
Lake for the presence of thermotolerant coliform bacteria and Enterococcus faecalis. The analyses
were performed using several methods, namely: 1. Methods for analyzing the chemical
composition of fish meat (determination of moisture content - ISO 712:2009; determination of
total nitrogen according to the Kjeldahl spectrophotometric method - HACH DR 400 procedure
Method 2410; determination of total fat by gravimetric method (Soxhlet extraction) - AOAC
method 2003.6; determination of ash with an oven at 700°C - ISO 3593:1981); 2. Methods for
microbiological analysis of fish meat (horizontal method for detection and enumeration of Listeria
monocytogenes - ISO 11290 - 1:2008; horizontal method for detection and enumeration of
Salmonella sp. - ISO 6579 - 2008; horizontal method for counting microorganisms - ISO
4833:2003); 3. Methods for microbiological analysis of water (detection and counting of coliform
bacteria and Escherichia coli - ISO 9308 -1:2000; detection and enumeration of intestinal
enterococci and Streptococcus faecalis - ISO 7899 - 2:2000). The chemical parameters of open
water fish are strongly influenced by the conditions in the aquatic environment that determine the
availability of nutrients. In addition to genetic factors, water quality, pH, temperature, season,
oxygen content, motor activities, fish age, type of food, diet, etc. have a certain influence on the
chemical composition of fish meat. The following results were obtained by analyzing the chemical
composition of the meat from Salmo ohridanus: water (72.225 ± 0.455), proteins (19.700 ± 0.101),
fats (4.185 ± 0.211) and ash (0.955 ± 0.061). The energy value of fish meat was calculated based
on the determined amount of fat and protein, and it amounts to 501.099 кЈ/100g. Regarding the
microbiological analyses, after the appropriate incubation of 72 hours, the presence of Listeria
monocytogenes and Salmonella sp. has not been detected. With the help of membrane filtration,
tests were made on the water quality of Ohrid Lake, for the presence of intestinal enterococci and
Escherichia coli and they have not been detected, and the water (8 Cfu) belongs to the 1st class.
The absence of intestinal enterococci and Escherichia coli in the waters of Ohrid Lake is a positive
sign and indicates that the water can be safe for use and represents an excellent ecological habitat
for this endemic fish species that can only be found in Ohrid Lake.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Scientific Fields (Frascati) > Agricultural Sciences > Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
Divisions: Faculty of Biotechnical Sciences
Depositing User: Prof. d-r Dijana Blazhekovikj - Dimovska
Date Deposited: 13 Aug 2024 13:09
Last Modified: 13 Aug 2024 13:09
URI: https://eprints.uklo.edu.mk/id/eprint/10146

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