Items where Division is "UKLO Network" and Year is
Avramovski, Petar Value of Ultrasound Machine Settings Optimization for Better Diagnosis of Focal Liver Lesions. Macedonian Journal of Medical Science.
Avramovski, Petar and Janakievska, Pavlina and Koneska, Meri and Sikole, Aleksandar РИЗИК ФАКТОРИ ЗА КАРДИОВАСКУЛАРЕН МОРТАЛИТЕТ КАЈ ПАЦИЕНТИТЕ НА ДИЈАЛИЗА. Прилози / Contributions III. ISSN 0420-0950
Avramovski, Petar and Rajchanovska, Domnika and Filov, Izabela The Damping Index value to estimate cirrhosis liver portal hypertension. PRILOZI, MND - Bitola.
Gligorovski, Sasho Nitrogen-containing organic aerosols and highly oxidized molecules produced by reaction of ozone with floor cleaning detergent. Environmental Science: Atmospheres.
Gligorovski, Sasho Ozone Oxidation of the Flame Retardant BDE-209: Kinetics and Molecular-Level Analysis of the Gas-Phase Product Compounds. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry.
Ilkovska, Biljana and Kotevska-Trifunova, Bisera and Hristovska, Sandra VITAMIN D LEVELS IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC HEPATITIS B, CHRONIC HEPATITIS C, AND HEALTH CONTROLS. Journal of IMAB, 25 (2). pp. 2553-2558. ISSN 1312-773X
Nikleski, Zorica and Avramovska, Maja and Avramovski, Petar and Todorovska, Liljana and Sikloska, Vesna and Zdraveski, Dejan and Trajcevska, Irena and Vasilevski, Saso and Dimovski, Aleksandar and Stefanovska, Svetlana Where We Now Stand: Unraveling the Link between COPD and NAFLD. EC Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine, 14 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2591-7317
Siljanovski, Simeon and Avramovski, Petar The value of renal artery resistance index in diagnosis of liver cirrhosis. Macedonian Journal of Medical Science. ISSN УДК 611.136.7:616.36-004-071 (497.774)