Items where Division is "Scientific Tobacco Institute" and Year is 2009

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 23.

Dimeska, V. and Stojkov, S. and Krsteska, Vesna (2009) Ecollogically acceptable herbicides in the control of weeds in tobacco and other field crops. Tobacco, 59 (5-6). pp. 110-117. ISSN 0494-3244

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana (2009) GENOTYPE AND THE WAY OF GROWING - KEY FACTORS FOR DEVELOPING TOBACCO RAW TYPICAL FOR THE TYPE PRILEP IN RELATION TO ITS CHEMICAL CONTENT. Bulletin of Tobacco science and profession, 59 (9-10). pp. 207-212. ISSN 0494-3244

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana (2009) Monohybrid dominant inheritance of TMV resistence in some oriental varieties of Yaka tobacco. In: 44 Croatian and 4 international symposium on agriculture, 16-20.02.2009, Opatija Croatia.

Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Miceska, Gordana and Tashkoski, Petre and Gveroska, Biljana (2009) RESISTANCE OF SOME NEW PERSPECTIVE LINES OF YAKA TOBACCO TO TMV. Bulletin of Tobacco science and profession, 59 (7-8). pp. 193-196. ISSN 0494-3244

Kalamanda, O and Pelivanoska, Valentina (2009) Chemical composition of Virginia raw material, produced in Republic of Srpska. Tobacco, 58 (11-12). pp. 279-290. ISSN 0494-3244

Korubin - Aleksoska, Ana (2009) РЕГРЕСИОНА АНАЛИЗА ЗА НАСЛЕДУВАЊЕТО НА НЕКОИ МОРФОЛОШКИ И АГРОНОМСКИ СВОЈСТВА КАЈ F1 И F2 ПОТОМСТВОТО НА РАЗЛИЧНИ ГЕНОТИПОВИ ТУТУН (Regression analysis of the inheritance of some morphological and agronomic characters in F1 and F2 progenies of various tobacco genotypes). Tutun/Tobacco, 59 (1-2). pp. 3-12. ISSN 0494-3244

Korubin - Aleksoska, Ana and Aleksoski, Jane (2009) ХЕРИТАБИЛНОСТ ВО ПОТЕСНА И ПОШИРОКА СМИСЛА КАЈ F1 И F2 ПОТОМСТВОТО НА РАЗЛИЧНИ ТИПОВИ ТУТУН (Broad- and narrow-sense heritabilities in F1 and F2 progenies in different types of tobacco). Tutun/Tobacco, 59 (11-12). pp. 261-266. ISSN 0494-3244

Korubin - Aleksoska, Ana and Aleksoski, Jane (2009) Heritabilitet nekih kvantitativnih svojstava u F1 i F2 potomaka domaćih i introduciranih sorti duhana (Heritability of some quantitative traits in F1 nad F2 progeny of domestic and foreign tobacco varieties ). 44th Croatian & 4th International Symposium on Agriculture, Genetics, Plant Breeding and Seed Production. pp. 330-334. ISSN ISBN 978-953-6331-67-3

Korubin - Aleksoska, Ana and Aleksoski, Jane (2009) КОМБИНИРАЊЕ НА КВАНТИТАТИВНИТЕ СВОЈСТВА ПРИ КРЕИРАЊЕ НА ЛИНИИ СО ДИЈАЛЕЛНИ ВКРСТУВАЊА НА ТУТУНОТ (NICOTIANA TABACUM L.) [Combining ability of some quantitative characters in diallel crosses of Nicotiana tabacum L. ]. Tutun/Tobacco, 59 (3-4). pp. 55-60. ISSN 0494-3244

Krsteska, Vesna (2009) Faunistic analysis of Episyrphus balteatus De Geer. Tobacco, 59 (7-8). pp. 162-174. ISSN 0494-3244

Krsteska, Vesna (2009) Faunistic analysis of Eupeodes corollae Fab. Tobacco, 59 (1-2). pp. 18-29. ISSN 0494-3244

Krsteska, Vesna (2009) Morfology and biology of Episyrphus balteatus De Geer. Tobacco, 59 (9-10). pp. 226-233. ISSN 0494-3244

Krsteska, Vesna (2009) Morphology and biology of Eupeodes corollae F. Tobacco, 59 (3-4). pp. 68-74. ISSN 0494-3244

Krsteska, Vesna and Stojanoski, P. (2009) Morphology and biology of Phthorimaea operculella Zeller on tobacco. Tobacco, 59 (5-6). pp. 136-141. ISSN 0494-3244

Krsteska, Vesna and Stojanoski, P. (2009) Phthorimaea operculella Zell. on tobacco in Prilepsko. Plant Science, XX. pp. 7-10.

Miceska, Gordana (2009) Agronomic characteristics of dihaploid lines of oriental tobacco obtained in vitro. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, acs, 74 (4). pp. 305-308. ISSN 1331-7776

Miceska, Gordana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav (2009) Accumulation of biogenic elements and heavy matals in various parts of prilep tobacco during its development and growth. In: 44 Croatian and 4 international symposium on agriculture, 16-20.02.2009, Opatija Croatia.

Miceska, Gordana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav (2009) PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE LEAVES IN ORIENTAL TOBACCO VARIETY PRILEP P 65/94 INOCULATED WITH TMV. Bulletin of Tobacco science and profession, 59 (5-6). pp. 105-109. ISSN 0494-3244

Miceska, Gordana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav (2009) Production properties of new lines and varieties of Prilep tobacco resistant to powdery mildew. In: CORESTA joing stydi groups meeting, Agronomy& Phytopatology, Rovinj, Croatia.

Miceska, Gordana and Dimitrieski, Miroslav and Tashkoski, Petre and Gveroska, Biljana (2009) INVESTIGATION OF TMV RESISTANCE IN SOME CULTIVARS AND LINES OF TOBACCO TYPE PRILEP. Bulletin of Tobacco science and profession, 59 (11-12). pp. 291-294. ISSN 0494-3244

Pelivanoska, Valentina (2009) Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the new oriental tobacco variety P-66. Tobacco, 59 (9-10). pp. 213-219. ISSN 0494-3244

Risteski, Ilija and Kočoska, Karolina and Hristoski, Žarko (2009) Морфолошки карактеристики на некои странски и новосоздадени домашни машкостерилни хибридни сорти ( линии ) тутун од типот вирџинија. Tobacco, 59 (11-12). pp. 253-260. ISSN 0494-3244


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