Items where Author is "Todorovska, Marinela"
Todorovska, Marinela (2019) Моделирање на меѓузависноста на маркетинг, бренд перформансите и севкупните организациски перформанси. Doctoral thesis, University "St.Kliment Ohridski" - Bitola.
Mojsovska Salamovska, Snezana and Todorovska, Marinela (2016) Brand Valuation and Marketing Assets Assessment – Theoretical Background vs. Contemporary Managerial Issues. International Journal of Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management. ISSN 2334-6191
Odzaklieska, Dragica and Sotiroski, Kosta and Todorovska, Marinela (2013) Development Perspectives of Investment Funds in Republic of Macedonia. TEM Journal (Technology Education Management Informatics, 2 (4). pp. 341-349. ISSN 2217-8309
Todorovska, Marinela (2013) Мотивацијата во текот на студирањето. Еквилибриум (12). pp. 13-14. ISSN 2671-3349
Todorovska, Marinela (2012) Улогата и значењето на електронската комуникација. Еквилибриум (7). pp. 19-21. ISSN 2671-3349
Midovska, Marija and Todorovska, Marinela (2012) The role of the employment agencies in decreasing of unemployment in the Pelagonian region. Proceedings International conference Migration and labor market.