Items where Author is "Risteska, Andrijana"

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Number of items: 66.

Risteska, Andrijana (2016) Профил 13. Еквилибриум (20). pp. 14-15. ISSN 2671-3349

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2014) Маркетинг. Економски факултет Прилеп.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2014) Learning bank as a new paradigm for quality of the banking services. Horizons International scientific journal Series A Social Sciences and Humanities. ISSN 1857-9884

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2014) The manager culture as a factor for development of the company. Horisons series A, 14. ISSN 1857-9884

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Stojanoski, Zdravko (2005) Informative systems:: Ethics, Influence and Security. In: 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Los Angeles Nevada.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2005) Marketing Intelligence –a base for Qualitative Marketing Decisions. STRATEGIJSKI MENADZMENT.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2005) Marketing Intelligence –a base for Qualitative Marketing Decisions. In: 10 th Scientific International Simposium: Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management:”Business Processes, Learning and Development within the Framework of Strategic Mangement, Serbia.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2004) Технолошката иновација-фактор за развојот. In: IX Scientific Conference: Regional Development and Demografic Flows Of Balkan Countries, Faculty of Economics- Nis.

Risteska, Andrijana and Ilieska, Karolina (2004) Le tourisme alternative. In: International conference: “Marketing and startegic planning: teory, practice and trainning, Bugaria.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2004) Management with the informational system in the enterprise. In: International Scientific Conference: Management challenges in new conditions”.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2004) Marketing combination of management activities – the best way to fulfill customer’s needs in tourism. In: International simposium: Contemporary trends in Tourism, Hotel industry and gastronomy 2004, Faculty of Science- Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Industry, Serbia.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2004) Promotivne aktivnosti-pokretac uspavanog turizma u Makedoniji. In: 17 th Biennial International Congress: “Tourism & Hospitality Industry 2004, New trends in Tourism and Hospitality Management”, Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management- Opatija, Croatia.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2004) Security and Protection of Information System. In: The Conference with International Attendance:“Tendencies in the Development of the Cybernetics Applications, Romania.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2004) Strategic control on the basis of the evaluation of the consumer’s satisfaction. In: 9 th Scientific International Simposium: Strategic Management and Decision Support Systems in Strategic Management- Strategic Control in Contemporary Management, Serbia.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2004) The informative technology – as a base for strategic marketing. In: International conference: “Marketing and startegic planning: teory, practice and trainning.

Ilieska, Karolina and Stojanoski, Zdravko and Risteska, Andrijana (2003) Application of the models and methods for qualitative management. In: International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technologies: CCCT.

Ilieska, Karolina and Stojanoski, Zdravko and Risteska, Andrijana (2003) Application of the tourist marketing in the Balkan countries. In: 8th International conference"Tourism, Regional development and Education.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2003) Grupiranje i analiza trzista-put do globalizacije. In: Medjunarodna naucna konferencija: “Globalization challenges”, Ekonomski fakultet- Nis, Serbia.

Ilieska, Karolina and Stojanoski, Zdravko and Risteska, Andrijana (2003) Implementation of the Marketing Concept in Tourism in the Balkan Region. In: International conference "Evaluation of the environment for tourist services”, University of Economics in Bratislava, Faculty of Commerce.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2003) Implementation of the marketing in tourism today and tomorrow. In: International Scientific Conference: “Educating for tomorrow’s tourism”.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2003) Informacioni sistemi Balkanskih zemalja. In: VIII Medjunarodni naucni skup: "Regionalni razvoj i demografski tokovi Balkanskih zemaqa, Serbia.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Stojanoski, Zdravko (2003) Information Technology as a basis for competitive advance in global proportion. In: 10th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction”, HCI International 2003.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Stojanoski, Zdravko (2003) Information technology as a basis for competitive advance in global proportion. In: Fourth International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2003) Quality of the managing culture-as a strategic Principe for successful working of the enterprise. In: 14th International Conference: “Quality – for Better Life‘ 2003.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2003) Satisfactions of the consumers as a base for development of the firm. In: Меѓународна научна конференција: “Управувачки маркетиншки аспекти на на развојот на Балканот".

Ilieska, Karolina and Stojanoski, Zdravko and Risteska, Andrijana (2003) Strategic positioning of enterprises from the aspect of approach to competition- without frontiers. In: International Scientific Conference: “Economics and Management 2003 – without Frontiers, Czech Republic.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2003) Zastita potrosaca uslov za razvoj turizma. In: Medjunarodni Forum "Ruralni turizam i odrzivi razvoj Balkana", Prirodno-matematicki fakultet i Ekonomski fakultet, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu, Serbia.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2003) The information systems in the 21ST century. In: International Conference in Economics: The Economy at the Beginning of the New Millennium, Romania.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Stojanoski, Zdravko (2003) The software in the informational system in the enterprises of the Balkan. In: Seventh World Multi-Conference on Systemics Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, USA.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2002) "Истражување на пазарот". University of “St. Kliment Ohridski” Bitola, Republic of Macedonia.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2002) Маркетинг информационен систем. Faculty of Economics Prilep.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2002) Implementation of dynamic programming for optimization of the marketing strategy. In: 6th Balkan Conference on Operational research, Hellenic Operational Research Society, Greece.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Stojanoski, Zdravko (2002) Strategy for Education of the Marketing Managers in the Countries of South-East Europe. In: International Conference: "Information Communication technologies in education", Research and training institute of the East Agean, Greece.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2002) Transformation of the information process in the companies of the countries the South-East Europe. In: The Second International Conference on Political Geography, Oradea University , Romania and Gdansk University, Poland.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2002) Value Analysis of the Informational System in the Enterprise- Un necessary for Improving Processes. In: 6 th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernet and Informatics, Orlando, USA.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Stojanoski, Zdravko (2002) The client as a focus in travel trade companies. In: The Seventh International Conference : Travel, Regional Development and Education", University of South Bohemia, Ceska Republika.

Stojanoski, Zdravko and Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2002) The marketing in travel trade and its dependence of information technology. In: The Seventh International Conference : Travel, Regional Development and Education", University of South Bohemia.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2001) Dimension contemporaine du tourisme de l'aspect humaine. In: 6th international conference "Travel, regional development and Education, University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Agriculture, department of Service Industries Economics and Tourism in Tabor.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2001) Importance of the information for marketing. In: International symposium: "Romanian Economy at the beginning of the millenium".

Ilieska, Karolina and Stojanoski, Zdravko and Risteska, Andrijana and Mancheski, Gjorgji (2001) Measuring the quality of the statistical data in the function of qualitative management. In: The 53th session of International Statistical Institute, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Ilieska, Karolina and Stojanoski, Zdravko and Risteska, Andrijana and Mancheski, Gjorgji (2001) Modeling of the causal processes by application of the function of intensity as a basis of business decisions. In: The 53th session of International Statistical Institute, Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Risteska, Andrijana and Ilieska, Karolina (2001) Promotion comme base pour development du tourisme. In: 6th international conference "Travel, regional development and Education, University of South Bohemia, Faculty of Agriculture, department of Service Industries Economics and Tourism in Tabor, Чешка.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (2001) Satisfaction of the consumer's needs. In: International symposium: "Romanian Economy at the beginning of the millenium".

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Menkinoski, Goce (2000) Consumer’s satisfaction – basic task of the companies marketing working. In: Quality Forum 2000, "Building the 21 st century – Quality for Society, Greece.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Menkinoski, Goce (2000) Fundamental Meaning of the South-East European Countries Strategies in the International Marketing. In: Academu of Marketing, Annual Conference, University of Derby, The Chartered Institute of Marketing.

Ilieska, Karolina and Stojanoski, Zdravko and Risteska, Andrijana and Menkinoski, Goce (2000) The Globalization - a Way to Homogeneity and a Demand for a Balance. In: Quality Forum 2000, "Building the 21 st century – Quality for Society, Greece.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Menkinoski, Goce (2000) Impact of information technology on marketing. In: Jubilee scientific conference economy and development of society, Bugaria.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Menkinoski, Goce (2000) Implementacija optimalnih marketing strategija u funkciji unapredivanja prodaje. STRATEGIJSKI MENAXMENT.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Menkinoski, Goce (2000) Potreba aplikacije marketinga u trgovinskim preduzecima u zemjama u tranziciji. Strategijski menaxment.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Menkinoski, Goce (2000) Potreba aplikacije marketinga u trgovinskim preduzecima u zemjama u tranziciji. Strategijski menaxment.

Ilieska, Karolina and Menkinoski, Goce and Risteska, Andrijana (2000) Strategic management with the product in the international market. In: Jubilee scientific conference economy and development of society", University of Economics, Bugaria.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Menkinoski, Goce (2000) Strategic marketing application in the globalization process". In: Jubilee scientific conference economy and development of society, Bugaria.

Ilieska, Karolina and Stojanoski, Zdravko and Risteska, Andrijana (2000) Technological Innovation as a Fundament Device for the Development of the Company. In: 44 nd European Quality Congress of the European Organization for Quality, June, 12-16, 2000,Budapest, Hungary.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Menkinoski, Goce (1999) Вклучување во меѓународниот маркетинг-перспектива за соработка со Југоисточна Европа. EKONOMSKE TEME. pp. 223-238.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Menkinoski, Goce (1999) Туризам као феномен данашнице. In: Современе тендензије у туризму, Нови Сад.

Ilieska, Karolina and Stojanoski, Zdravko and Risteska, Andrijana (1999) Implementacija na TQM za kvaliteten menaxment. In: International Conference: “The Step to the European Market", Latvia.

Ilieska, Karolina and Stojanoski, Zdravko and Risteska, Andrijana (1999) Kontrola na kvalitetot na proizvodite vrz osnova na varijabilni belezi. In: International Conference: “The Step to the European Market”, Certification Centre of Latvian Academy of Sciences, Latvian Association of Testing Laboratories, Latvia.

Ilieska, Karolina and Stojanoski, Zdravko and Risteska, Andrijana (1999) A Model for Controlling the Quality of the Products with Application of the Analysis of the Variance. In: The 52nd Session of the International Statistical Institute, Helsinki, Finland.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Stojanoski, Zdravko (1999) Pretpriema{tvoto-motorna sila vo sovremenite stopanstva i neophodnost vo zemjite na Jugoisto~na Evropa. EKONOMSKE TEME. pp. 409-414.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Menkinoski, Goce (1999) Strategijsko upravljanje kvalitetom i kvantitetom proizvoda duvanske industrije u novoj paradigmi. STRATEGIJSKI MENAXMENT.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Menkinoski, Goce (1999) Uloga strategijskog upravljawa za razvoj poqoprivrednih organizacija u uslovima tranzicije. STRATEGIJSKI MENAXMENT (2).

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Menkinoski, Goce (1998) Потреба од прифаќање на стратегискиот маркетинг-неопходност на стопанските субјекти во транзициона економија. In: Научен собир Денови на науката на Република Бугарија и Република Македонија.

Ilieska, Karolina and Stojanoski, Zdravko and Risteska, Andrijana (1998) Квалитетот на системот за пребарување информации-основен предуслов за квалитетен менаџмент. In: Научен собир Денови на науката на Република Бугарија и Република Македонија.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (1998) Сусрет менаџера за предизивицима тржишне економија кроз новој организационој стратегију. In: Транзиција у привреди и менаџменту.

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana (1998) Optimalna marketing strategija u uslovima krize. STRATEGIJSKI MENAXMENT (2).

Ilieska, Karolina and Risteska, Andrijana and Stojanoski, Zdravko (1988) Uloga menaxera u funkciji razvoja nove paradigme balkanskih zemaqa. ^asopis "EKONOMSKE TEME (1). pp. 131-140.

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