Nowadays, the issue of identifying, developing and supporting the talented and gifted children is of paramount importance. Educational institutions and in particular teachers and parents are responsible to identify the advantages and the capabilities that a child has developed over the time and in the same time to work further in advancing those talents to a higher level. Identification and development of the talents is important not only for a talented child but for the entire society. The educational policies should be oriented in the development of talents enabling the schools and teachers to organize different events with the sole intention, developing the talents. Talented and gifted children are the potential for development for every country. The elementary school teachers should work closely with school professionals, physiologists and parents in regards to the talents of his class. If the talents and the potential is not identified the same cannot be further developed. Therefore, it is the duty of the teacher to follow and monitor every child and identify the characteristics that differ one child from the other.Talented and gifted children have identifiable attributes including unusual vigilance, early fast learning, high language abilities, academical advantage and higher capacity of knowledge. The objective of the study is that through the empirical research to find how much are the teachers engaged in identifying the talented and gifted children. For the completion of the study will be applied the quantity approach, organized through an organized questioner with the elementary school teachers.
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