Communicative-pedagogical features of communication in the educational process-communicative competence

  • Biljana Gramatkovski
  • Jasminka Kochoska


The study of language is based on the idea that the purpose of language literacy is communicativecompetence: the ability to use language properly and adequately to achieve communicative aim with thedesired end result of the process of learning the language is the ability to communicate competent, not theability to use language as does native speaker. When considering this competence perhaps most importantgoal of the students is verbally to communicate with other people who speak Macedonian. Communicativecompetence defined by Noam Chomsky is a perfect knowledge of the ideal speaker/listener of appropriatelanguage in a homogeneous community. So that students acquire communicative competence must bemutually strengthening of the relationship between knowledge of the language and its use. The relationshipbetween these two elements is crucial because to achieve real linguistic competence they must take placesimultaneously, because knowing is useless if it’s not used practically. For successful development ofcommunicative competence of teachers and students it is very important to scientifically determine in whatrelationship is communication with other competences and personality constructs, how development and thelevel of development of the other competencies act on them, acting of the individual terms of the efficiency ontheir development, the relationship between the levels of development of communicative competences andpossibilities of their further development, etc.


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